Current Stats

Total weight lifted 2015: 3.6 M lbs
('14-6.5M, '13-6.6M, '12-8M, '11-5.2M)
Total cardio logged 2015: 22.0 hours
Current body weight 301 lbs, Height 6'8

Here's my lifting progress!



Saturday, June 29, 2013

New Deadlift Personal Record

So of course I film my average set of overhead press, and not my PR on deadlift, but I do have 10 witnesses for a raw 566 pull today at Elevated Crossfit in Springville!

Today was a heavy overhead and deadlift day, and then ran out of time so that's all we got to.  Here is what we did:

Overhead press
12 total sets working up to 255 x 2
Back-off set of 135 x 15, strict

5 sets working up to 566
2 attempts on 576...almost got it!

So all my lifts are trending up, and at a good time as Utah's Strongest Man is just around the corner.  I just need to stay healthy, get plenty of rest and watch my eating!

And here is a quick video of overhead pressing today:

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Weekend workout, today's lift

I neglected to post this weekend after a good strongman event session in Mapleton.  We hit farmer's, truck push, lot of overhead, deadlift, rack pulls and some other auxiliary work.

Today we had a pretty solid lift.  Here is a video of me rack-pulling 600 lbs.:

And here is the lift:

Weight Reps
Rack deadlifts 135 8
135 8
225 6
315 4
365 3
415 2
485 2
525 2
Floor rows 135 10
185 10
215 10
135 10
Kettle Bell Rows 80 30
Superset rows (KB, axle, ball) Various
Lockout bench (parallel) 45 15
135 8
205 4
255 3
305 3
355 3
Superset (Bench, KB, ball) various
15 min cardio

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Arm workout

I've got a strain in my abs, so nothing heavy today, and no core lifts.  I hit some curls doing an escalating run of the rack, and some seated French press.  I did my standard shoulder impingement maintenance work and stretched as well.  Here is a quick video of the French press:

And here is today's workout:

Weight Reps
Stretch and warm-up
Standing DB curls 10 20
20 20
30 20
35 20
40 20
45 20
50 20
Shoulder cord work 25 160
Seated   French press DB 50 20
60 20
75 20
100 8
with medicine ball to burnout 50 25
Additional shoulder work 25 180
20 min cardio

Monday, June 17, 2013

Last week at Elevated Crossfit

The crossfit place we lift at moved - this is the new location.  Big barn down in Springville!

Saturday was a beast of a workout where we hit:

Atlas Stones
Overhead (log, DB, axle and barbell)
Deadlift (axle, barbell and car!)
Carry and load with keg followed by truck push

It felt like a mock contest!

It was out in the was brutal.  The rest of the day was tough, too, just walking around.

I'm sore today with what feels like an abdominal strain, and I hope it is nothing worse.  No workout today, but some light stretching and lots of rest.

Thanks for reading!

Thursday, June 13, 2013

Shoulders - a little bit stronger

Pound-for-pound I'm not great at overhead stuff.  I think it is partly due to my height, but a lot due to my shoulder impingement.  Nevertheless, I'm getting a little bit better.  I put up 250 on the barbell today which is the most I've done in recent history, so I'll take it!  I tried to get some good volume and enough weight to ensure that I'll be sore tomorrow.  Here is a quick video of sets 7-9:

And here is the workout:

Weight Reps
Stretch and warm-up
Standing shoulder press 45 12
100 6
150 4
180 3
200 3
220 2
240 2
250 1
180 6
180 6
Shoulder superset 15 120
15 120
Big Hun's 45 50
45 60
Abs 60 200
6 min cardio

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Quite the break!

About 10 days without a lift...and man was today a poor return.  I had a weak lift as I returned from eating poorly, sleeping poorly and failing to stretch after way too much walking.  The video says it all, so with that, welcome back!

Back into the groove and going again tomorrow.  Hopefully I'll return to form soon!

Thanks for reading!

Saturday, June 1, 2013

Atlas Stone Lifting, Frame Deadlift

I'm a bit behind as it is Saturday and I'm finally doing Thursday's post!  Been pretty busy!

On Thursday I lifted with Brian and Dave #2 in Draper.  We did stones - probably 8 sets or so, starting light and then finishing up on the 310 pounder.  By the time we got there I had nothing left in me.  I got it up off the ground but couldn't lap it - no energy and my hands were slipping.  Next time I'd like to try it with some tacky to see how I do.

After stones, with arms throbbing, we did frame deadlift starting around 330 and I hit my top set at 650 which was the high for the group for the day.  That is more than I'd gotten in the past.  I think I topped around 630 last time so...PROGRESS!

Here is a video of the stones:

Thanks for reading!