Current Stats

Total weight lifted 2015: 3.6 M lbs
('14-6.5M, '13-6.6M, '12-8M, '11-5.2M)
Total cardio logged 2015: 22.0 hours
Current body weight 301 lbs, Height 6'8

Here's my lifting progress!



Wednesday, September 12, 2012

A tribute to Bill Kazmaier

I was perusing some of Bill Kazmaier's old workouts and adapted one that he apparently used to do on a regular basis.  I subbed a few things based on the equipment I had, and had to guess on the weights.  On the squat and deadlift portion we went for about 50% of max and then tried to keep to medium/heavy weights for the other lifts.  This took well over 90 minutes with very little rest in between sets, so I'm pretty beat and Thayne walked away somewhat gingerly, too!  This is a very solid workout to hit legs and mid/lower back with some bicep focus, as well.  There is enough shoulders, too, to consider this a full-body day.  Tomorrow will definitely be a day off!!!

Here is the workout:

Tue 9/11/2012
Lift Weight Reps Total Weight
Back squat 135 15 2025
275 10 2750
275 10 2750
275 10 2750
275 10 2750
Deadlift 275 10 2750
275 10 2750
Shrugs 135 30 4050
135 30 4050
315 15 4725
315 15 4725
Seated hammer curls 40 24 960
40 24 960
40 24 960
40 24 960
Rolling thunder 100 20 2000
100 20 2000
100 20 2000
Bench rows 100 20 2000
100 20 2000
100 20 2000
Leg extensions (burnout) 75 40 3000
Leg kick-backs (burnout) 75 40 3000
Calf raises 315 15 4725
315 15 4725
315 15 4725
Chin-ups to failure 300 6 1800
300 6 1800
  300 10 3000
Day's total 78690 lbs

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