Current Stats

Total weight lifted 2015: 3.6 M lbs
('14-6.5M, '13-6.6M, '12-8M, '11-5.2M)
Total cardio logged 2015: 22.0 hours
Current body weight 301 lbs, Height 6'8

Here's my lifting progress!



Saturday, July 27, 2013

Utah's Strongest Man 2013

So I cut my teeth this past week at Utah's Strongest Man 2013.  The show was put on by Van Hatfield and Elevated Crossfit - thanks to them!  I didn't take first, but I didn't take last, and I did alright for my first rodeo.

Here is a video of my two best events:

My shoulders hurt too much to do the overhead event, and frankly, the weights were too high anyway with a 300 lb log, so somewhat of a calculated move, I suppose.

The deadlift was a bit too high for me, with the first implement being a barbell at 630 lbs.  I got it to my knees, so count that as a small victory as I've never attempted over 600 before, and my current deadlift sits around 575.  I'll be over 600 soon, though.

My best event got cut due to time - carry and load with hummer push medley.  That would have surely helped my point total, but such is life!

I want to thank my family and friends for all their support. 

Looking forward to next year!

Monday, July 15, 2013

SO...this is the infamous red stone that I lifted on Saturday.  I don't have a video of me doing, but will soon.  For now, here is a video from a couple of years ago of a 300+ pound guy that we work out with, getting one of the twin beasts!

All I did on Saturday was work on stones.  I did the gray one that you can see in the video a bunch of times and must have tried on the red about 20 times before I finally got it.

Good final heavy workout before the show.  This week will be about rest, some minor technique work, eating...and more rest!

Thanks for reading!

Thursday, July 11, 2013

Saturday and Tuesday workouts

So I have a video of me struggling with a 725 yoke on Saturday that I can't make myself post.  I did fine up to about 600, but when we jumped to 725, I tried to go too fast and ended up picking the yoke poorly and hurting my back.  Since then, my whole CNS has been taxed...sore everything!

I rested up on Sunday and Monday and compelled myself to do some stuff on Tuesday which actually helped me feel better - good warm-up, full shoulder routine with cords, light bench and triceps work, and a good stretch at the end. 

I still don't feel great.  I'm dragging with low energy and still have some residual back discomfort, so today...we'll see.  I need to get ready for the Utah's Strongest Man contest, next week, but there is a fine line between final improvements, and not being 100%, so we'll see how today goes and I will update later.

Thanks for reading, and to all those who are helping us out with kids during the show, or will be attending the show next week to support me!

Thursday, July 4, 2013

Heavy overhead day, auxiliary work

Lifted with Brian and Dave today and went heavy overhead with the axle.  Feeling pretty good as I got a seated 305 lb. lockout.  Our main focus was overhead but we did some band work for hips and upper legs, and a little bit of triceps stuff, too.

Here is a quick video of the 305:

And here is today's workout - thanks for reading!

Weight Reps
Standing press with axle, no legs 25 15
75 8
125 6
155 4
175 4
205 2
225 2
Seated lockout press axle 165 6
215 4
245 4
275 3
305 1
Kettle Bell seated one arm press 80 16
Medicine Ball seated burnout 50 30
Hip thrusts with bands 200 20
200 20
200 20
Auxiliary hip motions bands 50 120
50 120
Auxiliary shoulder work bands 25 150
Stretching and cool down

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Atlas Stones, and keg loading

Last night was purely functional.  We hit stones pretty hard, and did a ton of keg work:

Atlas stones to 54 inches
165, 2 sets
240, 2 sets
275, 2 sets

30 reps over 54 inch bar with 150
3 sets running down and back 50 feet, over bar

Here is a video of the heaviest stone set:

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Auxiliary workout

Today was about hitting a few things I've missed over the past few days.  Short on time, so here is the workout, and as always, thanks for reading!

Weight Reps
Shoulder rehab work 25 650
Triceps extensions med ball 50 30
50 30
50 40
50 45
50 55
Max presses seated kettle KB 80 16
Calf raises 135 15
Stationary yoke mimic 135 100
100 steps per set 225 100
no straps/wraps/belt all sets 315 100
365 100
Abs 60 150
5 min cardio