Current Stats

Total weight lifted 2015: 3.6 M lbs
('14-6.5M, '13-6.6M, '12-8M, '11-5.2M)
Total cardio logged 2015: 22.0 hours
Current body weight 301 lbs, Height 6'8

Here's my lifting progress!



Tuesday, September 9, 2014

My diet 4 weeks out from a competition

I'm not an expert, but I am speaking from experience.  I formulate and sell dietary supplements, professionally, which does give me some insight that others may not have.  As I'm injured and haven't been lifting heavy or a lot in the past two weeks, I wanted to highlight what I'm ingesting with less than a month to go until Utah's Strongest Man 2014.

I've been taking a gainer from GNC, Re-Built Mass, and getting good results.  I felt a bit of a peak a few weeks back, so I've gone off of it for now.  I plan to re-incorporate it in about a week, with the hopes of it helping me re-peak at the time of the show.  Most other gainers get me the calories that I need, but I definitely felt some other boosts from this product.

Now, I'm an MP guy...MusclePharm is awesome!  Unfortunately MP doesn't make a gainer, but their Arnold Series does have its Mass product.  I like it, but it is more designed for a bodybuilder than a strongman.  So in my time off from Re-Built Mass, I'm taking Arnold Mass as a protein source with extra calories.  A bit of a test, but I'll know in a few weeks, if the sub-out helped increase potency of the Re-Built or not!

In addition, here's what else I'm eating/taking each day:
  1. MP Amino1 (1 serving per day)
  2. MP MuscleGel (This is an isolate goo, basically; 1 serving per day)
  3. MP Combat Casein (2 servings right before bed)
    1. With the Arnold Iron Mass, MuscleGel and Casein, I'm getting about 120 grams of protein every day, from different sources.  I try to match/exceed that amount from food - lean meats, yogurt, milk and some grain sources, to get around 250 grams, total.
  4. Peanut Butter with Flax (Trader Joe's!) - good for EFAs and another 10 grams of protein
  5. Animal Pak Multi
  6. I'm not really counting calories, seldom do.  I'd guess I'm in the 6,000 - 7,000 range every day.
  7. I've cut out creatine altogether, for now.  I'll add it back in with just under 3 weeks to go.
  8. No pre-workouts right now, either
My body-weight is holding in the ~300 lb range.  I float about 5 lbs in either direction, any given day depending on how tough my workout was, what I worked-out, etc.  I can't seem to add any more weight, but as long as I'm getting stronger, irrelevant, I suppose.

That's what I'm eating, so stay tuned and we'll see how it works out!  Thanks for reading!

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