I've been taking a gainer from GNC, Re-Built Mass, and getting good results. I felt a bit of a peak a few weeks back, so I've gone off of it for now. I plan to re-incorporate it in about a week, with the hopes of it helping me re-peak at the time of the show. Most other gainers get me the calories that I need, but I definitely felt some other boosts from this product.
Now, I'm an MP guy...MusclePharm is awesome! Unfortunately MP doesn't make a gainer, but their Arnold Series does have its Mass product. I like it, but it is more designed for a bodybuilder than a strongman. So in my time off from Re-Built Mass, I'm taking Arnold Mass as a protein source with extra calories. A bit of a test, but I'll know in a few weeks, if the sub-out helped increase potency of the Re-Built or not!
In addition, here's what else I'm eating/taking each day:
- MP Amino1 (1 serving per day)
- MP MuscleGel (This is an isolate goo, basically; 1 serving per day)
- MP Combat Casein (2 servings right before bed)
- With the Arnold Iron Mass, MuscleGel and Casein, I'm getting about 120 grams of protein every day, from different sources. I try to match/exceed that amount from food - lean meats, yogurt, milk and some grain sources, to get around 250 grams, total.
- Peanut Butter with Flax (Trader Joe's!) - good for EFAs and another 10 grams of protein
- Animal Pak Multi
- I'm not really counting calories, seldom do. I'd guess I'm in the 6,000 - 7,000 range every day.
- I've cut out creatine altogether, for now. I'll add it back in with just under 3 weeks to go.
- No pre-workouts right now, either
That's what I'm eating, so stay tuned and we'll see how it works out! Thanks for reading!
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