Current Stats

Total weight lifted 2015: 3.6 M lbs
('14-6.5M, '13-6.6M, '12-8M, '11-5.2M)
Total cardio logged 2015: 22.0 hours
Current body weight 301 lbs, Height 6'8

Here's my lifting progress!



Saturday, November 29, 2014

Mobility workout

Today was a really busy day so I only managed a short mobility workout.  I did some grip and rows with the monster dumbbells, but otherwise, everything was band work.  It felt good as I was beat up from Thursday's heavy squat session, as well as Monday's deadlift/pressing session.  Hopefully I got the blood flowing, but won't be too sore.

Here is today's workout:

Weight Reps
Shoulder band work 25 530
Leg curls 50 200
Monster DB holds 80 240
Hip thruster work band 200 100
Bent rows Monster DB 80 68
Abs 60 60

Thursday, November 27, 2014

Squat Thanksgiving!

I've been unable to get around to posting lately!

Monday - Overhead (hit strict 235 axle!), pulled 535 for reps
Wednesday - Lockout press up to 405 x 9
Thanksgiving - Squats!

Weight Reps
Squat 155 10
245 3
295 2
355 1
405 1
465 1
535 1
585 1
Calf raises 245 60
Curls 25 90
Cool down

Saturday, November 15, 2014

Light deadlift and back workout

Barely time to lift today, let alone post!  Really fast, I took Rebuilt Mass, Amino1 and Assault, today, before the workout, and Recon after.  A little GNC mixed with a lot of MusclePharm!

Here is today's workout (deadlift was double-overhand):

Weight Reps
Deadlift 155 8
155 4
265 3
375 3
425 2
485 2
535 1
535 1
Rows (multiple sets) 150 120
Superset (3 total times) Shrug 245 30
Fly 40 45
Curl 55 60
Abs 60 300
Cool down

Thursday, November 13, 2014

Axle work and Savickas Press

Had a solid workout today with some shoulder, squatting and grip.

I was joined by Paxton and Nate who both did really well.  Nate is recovering from an LCL tear and making nice progress.

Here is a quick vid of my top squat set which felt solid...better than last week, and will comfortably be back in the 6s in a few weeks:

And here is today's workout:

Weight Reps
Zydrunas press 75 15
95 10
115 8
135 6
145 6
165 6
135 6
75 20
Axle squat 165 8
215 8
265 4
335 3
405 2
445 2
510 1
Axle grip 205 180
Shoulder supersets 15 320
Abs 60 90
Cool down

Monday, November 10, 2014

Saturday Pressing with Deadlifts and Monday Bench

Weight Reps
Axle press, strict, standing 25 20
75 10
125 8
145 6
165 6
195 4
215 2
235 1
165 8
75 12
Deficit deadlift (6 inch) 155 10
155 10
155 10
155 10
155 10
Strict press with deficit (2 of above) 100 10
100 10
Rack pulls from above knee 315 8
405 6
495 4
585 4
675 4
725 2
775 4
Triceps extensions 75 80
Cool down
Weight Reps
Axle bench 95 20
185 8
235 6
285 4
335 2
365 2
395 1
Close grip axle bench 185 3
235 3
255 3
285 3
305 3
Monster DB incline press 80 20
80 20
French Press DB 100 10
60 25
Monster DB rows 80 20
80 20
Band rows 150 20
Abs 60 40
Cool down

Saturday, November 1, 2014

Thursday's workout with the circus dumbbell

Weight Reps Total
Warm-up and stretch 2500
Squat 155 18 2790
245 4 980
315 2 630
385 2 770
435 2 870
315 4 1260
315 4 1260
245 8 1960
Rows (thick dumbbell) 60 20 1200
80 16 1280
130 12 1560
130 12 1560
CoC work (various, multiple sets) 40000
Curls 40 20 800
45 20 900
50 20 1000
30 30 900
Abs 60 120 7200
Cool down and stretch 2500