Current Stats

Total weight lifted 2015: 3.6 M lbs
('14-6.5M, '13-6.6M, '12-8M, '11-5.2M)
Total cardio logged 2015: 22.0 hours
Current body weight 301 lbs, Height 6'8

Here's my lifting progress!



Saturday, January 17, 2015

This week in review

I haven't had time to get a post in this week.  I had 2 x 16+ hour work days, staying up until the wee hours, so it was good I got any lifts in, at all!

Here is a quick recap:

Weight Reps
Bench (Swiss bar) 75 20
125 12
175 8
245 4
295 2
335 2
365 1
miss 400 1
295 6
245 12
175 24
French press (seated) 75 15
95 12
115 10
105 10
75 15
Abs 60 200
Press superset 50 200
8 min cardio
Weight Reps
Squat 45 20
135 8
225 6
275 3
325 2
375 2
425 2
475 2
515 1
375 10
225 15
Good mornings 135 10
135 10
DB Curls 35 24
40 20
45 16
50 16
35 24
30 30
25 50
Abs 60 200
24 min cardio
Weight Reps
Overhead behind head 45 8
95 6
145 4
165 2
195 2
215 1
Overhead normal 95 6
145 4
165 4
195 1
215 1
235 1
165 4
145 10
95 20
Deadlift 155 4
265 2
265 2
355 1
445 1
495 1
Reverse Hyper 100 30
Grip 100 200
0 min cardio

Saturday, January 10, 2015

Saturday = doing work!

Got some solid work in today!  Everything felt good.  The pulls came up easily.  I hit my highest-ever strict press and it was with an axle on 245.  Grip feels solid.  Here's today's workout:

Weight Reps
Axle rack press 25 20
75 6
125 6
125 6
175 2
215 1
235 1
245 1
175 10
Block pulls 18" 155 3
265 3
375 2
485 2
535 1
585 1
no belt 585 1
375 10
Bent rows Monster DB 80 24
80 24
Curls to burnout 45 24
Shoulder superset 25 200
High-pull burnout 155 15
Abs 60 50
Reverse Hyper 140 60
Grip work 75 300

Thursday, January 8, 2015

Working out on a trip

Whether with family or on a work trip, it is hard to workout on the road!  I haven't posted for the past few days because I was either working, or walking with a 30 lb infant for what seemed like miles, every day, in Southern California!  When I wasn't carrying my little guy, I likely had my 5 year old riding on my shoulders.  Needless to say, my back is shot, my feet hurt, and the outsides of my ankles hurt in a place I've never felt pain!

So did I get some cardio in? Sure.  Did I move serious amount of weight? I guess.  I know I'm tired and have some form of DOMS...let's hope there are some gains attached!

I'll try to get back into it today!

Thanks for reading!

Friday, January 2, 2015

New Year's Day Workout

Today turned into bench day because I had a late lunch and couldn't digest fast enough to do a legit workout an hour later.  I attempted my new reverse hyper but my stomach was so full that I couldn't handle it.  I think I also need to lower it because it is ridiculously high right now! :)

That said, benching and triceps are always a nice plug-in when the rest of the body isn't firing.  I worked up to about 80% on normal flat bench for 4 singles (335 lbs), and then backed-off with some volume.  All reps were pauses which makes it tougher.  I am still having some issues with my sternum which continues to impede my bench progress, but I'm working through it the best I can for now.  Here's the workout:

Weight Reps
Bench 45 40
135 6
225 3
265 3
305 1
335 1
335 1
335 1
335 1
225 6
135 25
Triceps extensions (single-arm) 75 20
75 20
75 20

Thursday, January 1, 2015

A fresh start, strongman style!

Believe it or not, I lifted a lot in December.  I did an abysmal job of posting, and definitely need to be a more regular record keeper.

Here's a recap of 2014:

I lifted 6.5 million pounds (weight x reps)
I logged an average of 45 minutes of cardio per week (just under 40 total hours)
I joined the 600 club on deadlift with a pull of 605 (current max is 615)
My squat continued to climb as I hit 615 x 2 (current max is 625)
My bench is flat at just over 400 (had some sternum issues, so holding my est. max at 420)
My total estimated 3 lift max is 1660 lbs
I won Utah's grip contest (King Grip II)
I tied for second at Utah's Strongest Man

I fondly remember pushing to get to 1500 lbs, and now that is so far in the rearview that I almost cannot believe it.

For 2015, I'm going after the following:

Deadlift: 650 lbs (double-overhand 600, axle double-overhand 450)
Squat: 650 lbs
Bench: 430 lbs
Combined: 1730 lbs (raw, clean)
Yoke: 900 lbs
Farmer's: 400 lbs (per hand)
Overhead: 300 lbs
Captains of Crush: #3

If you have too many goals, you likely won't hit any of them.  If you don't have any goals, you likely won't improve anywhere.  My overall goal is to get stronger, safely.  The above numbers will be fringe benefits to my continued training and effort. 

Here's to a successful 2015, and thanks for reading!