Current Stats

Total weight lifted 2015: 3.6 M lbs
('14-6.5M, '13-6.6M, '12-8M, '11-5.2M)
Total cardio logged 2015: 22.0 hours
Current body weight 301 lbs, Height 6'8

Here's my lifting progress!



Saturday, February 28, 2015

Training at Elevated Crossfit, Springville

We got the crew together, today, down in Springville.  Deadlift, log and a "medley" were the recipe for exhaustion!

Deadlift up to 615 lbs (most ever for me off the floor)
Log press on incline up to 270 x 3
Yoke/Overhead superset x 3 (Yoke on a light 560, barbell up to 225 for reps)

It was a good lift, and I'm tired!  Here is a quick video of the pull:

Friday, February 27, 2015

Light recovery day

I played basketball for nearly two hours on Wednesday, so Thursday was about moving, getting lose, and recovering for Saturday's big lift.  I didn't do anything heavy or extraordinary, but I hit some shoulders, back and legs.  Here's the lift:

Weight Reps
Squat 115 8
115 8
165 8
215 8
Bent rows 155 12
155 12
155 12
155 12
155 20
Lateral raises 25 30
25 30
25 30
25 30
Front raises 25 30
25 30
25 30
25 30
Stretch and cool-down
5 min cardio

Monday, February 16, 2015

King Grip III

King Grip III was this past weekend.  I got to go head-to-head with my friend Van.  He won pros, and I won open, and we tied overall, splitting 2-2.  He beat me on the Captains of Crush Trainer hold for time and pinch grip for max weight.  I won the rolling thunder and double-overhand deadlift.  It was a fun time, and I'll be looking forward to next year!

After that, I still managed a light lift as follows:
Weight Reps
King Grip III comp  (won!)
Rack pulls 45 8
245 3
335 3
425 3
535 2
585 1
675 1
745 1
Curls 25 80
Stretch and cool-down

Thursday, February 12, 2015

Light bench day

I've got my grip competition on Saturday, so I just hit some light bench today to do something.  Here is my workout:

Weight Reps
Bench 95 10
145 10
195 10
245 15
245 10
195 15
145 25
95 40
Gripper 100 100
Stretch and cool-down

Wish me luck on Saturday...King Grip III!

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

A light workout before King Grip III

King Grip III is just around the corner, so I'm taking it light this week in hopes of repeating my victory!  Here is today's lift:

Weight Reps
Squat 45 10
135 10
185 6
225 4
275 3
325 2
Good mornings 45 10
135 10
185 6
Overhead from rack 45 10
95 8
145 6
175 3
195 2
215 2
225 1
195 6
145 12
95 24
Gripper 100 100
Stretch and cool-down

Thursday, February 5, 2015

This week in review

This week in review

Monday: Incline log press to 260 lbs, floor log press to 390 lbs, calf raises to 600 lbs

Tuesday: Squat to 525 lbs for a double, rolling thunder to 180 lbs, double-overhand axle work

And today's workout:

Weight Reps
Deadlift 155 6
155 6
205 3
255 2
315 2
375 2
425 2
495 1
535 1
575 1
595 1
Kettle Bell Swings 53 30
Shrugs 155 50
Bent rows 155 30
Lateral raises 30 30
Front raises 30 30
Reverse Hyper 100 15
100 15
100 15
Stretch and cool-down

I pulled the 595 pretty easily and barely missed the 575 double-overhand!

On the road for a couple of days, so likely won't hit it, again, until next week.

Monday, February 2, 2015

Heavy saturday

I've been so short on time lately, that I haven't posted.  This really only hurts me, so I just need to make sure I do a better job of finding a few minutes to capture what I'm working on.

On Saturday I headed down to Springville to train with Van and Jared.  After a decent pull on 585, we switched to log.  I got up 260, but it really hurt my back.  I just don't have enough flexibility in my shoulders, so I end up contorting my back to lock-out heavier presses.  I'm working on it, but really need to improve in this area!  I did a back-off set on 210 for 3 reps, strict, as well.  What is frustrating is that I know I have more in me on the press; I just need to find a way to not fight my own anatomy while doing it!

We rounded out with some rows in the rack for volume.

It wasn't too tough of a lift, and I feel fine today.  I'm going to stretch later today and press (likely bench) tomorrow, so check back.

Thanks for reading!