Current Stats

Total weight lifted 2015: 3.6 M lbs
('14-6.5M, '13-6.6M, '12-8M, '11-5.2M)
Total cardio logged 2015: 22.0 hours
Current body weight 301 lbs, Height 6'8

Here's my lifting progress!



Saturday, July 18, 2015

Back day - deadlifts and farmer's picks

I may be coming down with a bad cold, as my kids have been sick all week, and I don't feel great today.  With that in mind, here's what I struggled to get done today:

Weight Reps
Warm-up and stretch
Reverse Hyper 200 25
Deadlift (Ivanko clips) 146 12
256 6
386 4
436 2
486 2
486 2
Farmer (pick only) 290 4
390 2
held for 25 seconds 615 1
Medicine ball picks (for cardio) 100 15
100 15
Kettle Bell Swings 52 12
Reverse Hyper 200 15
Abs (weighted) 60 50
Grip work with CoC 140 50
Cool-down and stretch

Thursday, July 16, 2015

Light shoulder day

Sick kids, and negotiation woes have taken their toll this week, so here's a light shoulder workout for the week as follows:

Weight Reps
Warm-up and stretch
Seated log press 100 8
100 8
140 6
190 4
230 3
230 3
230 3
230 3
230 3
230 3
140 15
Lateral raise 15 20
15 20
15 20
Front raise 25 20
25 20
25 20
25 20
60 200
Cool-down and stretch

Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Light squat Wednesday

Today was leg day and since I'm recovering from the Highland games, still, I hit safety squat bar for about 60% of my normal squat max.  I worked up to 5x2 on 390 lbs with a full pause.  Here's today's lift:

Weight Reps
Warm-up and stretch
Squat 150 8
150 6
200 4
250 3
300 2
390 2
390 2
390 2
390 2
390 2
Step-ups 20 110
20 110
20 110
Curls 25 30
25 30
25 30
25 30
25 30
Plyometrics 300 150
Abs 60 200
Cool-down and stretch

Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Bench Day

Last week I did some Highland Games stuff for the first time.  It was tough - lots of respect for what those guys do!

Today I'm still recovering, so it was a light bench day as follows:

Weight Reps
Warm-up and stretch
Bench 135 8
185 6
185 6
235 4
235 4
275 2
275 2
295 1
295 1
295 1
295 1
295 1
295 1
185 8
185 8
Incline DB 60 24
60 24
60 24
Decline 150 20
150 20
MB press  100 35
50 60
Abs 60 150
Cool-down and stretch