Current Stats

Total weight lifted 2015: 3.6 M lbs
('14-6.5M, '13-6.6M, '12-8M, '11-5.2M)
Total cardio logged 2015: 22.0 hours
Current body weight 301 lbs, Height 6'8

Here's my lifting progress!



Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Past 2 workouts

Life is getting busy, especially with the baby coming on Thursday!  I've been negligent about my posting, so time to catch-up.

On Friday, although sore from Thursday's heavy clean workout, I lifted with a neighborhood kid for the following:

Log press standing, up to 235 lbs
One-arm kettle bell press on 80 lbs
Deadlift, up to 515 lbs
Kettle bell swings
Medicine ball cleans
Triceps extensions

Then I took the weekend off as I didn't have time to lift.  Yesterday Brian and I lifted at Eastside with a new guy, Troy, and here's what we did:

Squat, warm-up for 5 sets, work up to 315 lbs
Carry and load medley, 150 lb. keg, 250 lb. sandbag about 50 ft, multiple sets
Axle cleans, up to 185 lbs
Extended lunges with overhead (Phil Pfister style)

The lunges were rough!  My hamstrings hurt today like I can't begin to explain.  The lift really works, so thanks to Phil for sharing that lift!

The plan is to go, again, today.  I hope I've recovered a bit by this evening, because right now, I've got nothing in the tank! :)

Friday, October 18, 2013

Getting better at power cleans

Yesterday was focused on power cleans.  Cleans are by far my worst lift, with overhead in a close second.  Being 6'8 doesn't help and the fact that, based on the video, I basically reverse curl the bar with momentum from the pull.  I guess if, in the end, the bar gets to your shoulders, all is well.  I just need to generate more power off the floor to pull the higher weights.

Here is a quick video of some of my sets working up to about 255:

I hadn't lifted all week on account of my neck, so I worked in some random things, and spent quite a bit of time warming up.  Here is the breakdown:

Shoulder warm-ups 25 100
Leg warm-ups (swings, plyo) 50 100
Cleans (from floor) 155 6
185 2
205 2
225 1
235 1
255 1
Floor rows 205 8
205 8
205 8
Lat pulls 150 30
150 30
150 45
DB curls 40 16
40 16
Abs 60 60
5 min cardio

As always, thanks for reading!

Friday, October 11, 2013

Crazy log day!

Went heavy today on log!  My neck hurt too much to do anything else, so this is it for the day.  I've got a video of some of the seated work that we did.  Topped off around 300, going from different angles and heights.  We started standing, and ended standing, so we'll see if that helps.  My triceps are shot, and I'm tired, but it feels good!

And here is the workout:

Weight Reps
Log press standing 70 8
70 8
120 6
120 2
150 2
170 2
200 1
220 1
180 2
200 1
Incline log press 180 2
230 1
280 1
330 FAIL
300 1
Military log press 230 2
250 2
260 1
180 10
Abs 75 50
Triceps extensions 75 50
Standing log press 180 3

As always, thanks for reading!  Check back tomorrow as we're going to lift at the Wasatch Front Strongman Challenge venue here in Salt Lake.  Should be some tire flipping, and other fun stuff!

Saturday, October 5, 2013

Bench day

Nothing too crazy to report today.  Yesterday I likely ended up doing 60 flights of stairs in an effort to better organize the storage in our house, so I was beat today.  Brian was, too, so we ended up benching...always a good workout when your entire core/legs are hurting.

We didn't go too heavy - my top set was 335 x 2, but it felt pretty good.  We were more aimed at volume, today, than weight.  We also did some auxiliary arm stuff, and I cooled down with some abs, focusing on the lower area.

Here is today's lift:

Weight Reps
Bench 135 10
135 10
135 10
225 2
275 2
295 2
315 2
335 2
w/ 75 lb. bands 135 15
w/ 75 lb. bands 135 10
135 20
Band curls 50 30
75 20
Triceps extensions bands 75 20
75 20
French press DB seated 75 15
Abs 60 20
45 min cardio

My neck and forearms continue to hurt, and I'm hoping that changes in the next few weeks as the Wasatch Front Strongman Challenge is only 4 weeks away.  If it were today, I'm in no position to compete, so I need to figure this out!  Any suggestions?

Thanks for reading!

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Olympia - America's Strongest Man

I headed down to the Olympia this past weekend for work, and caught part of America's Strongest Man.  I got to meet Brian Shaw who recently won World's Strongest Man, and from what I saw, owned a ASM.  Here is a video of the max overhead log press, where a few guys tied for a max lift of 430 lbs:

Today I lifted with Brian here at my place.  Focus was on overhead with some light squat.  Here is the lift:

Weight Reps Total
Squat warm-up 135 warm-up 1500
135 10 1350
135 10 1350
225 6 1350
315 4 1260
Standing overhead 135 6 810
135 6 810
185 3 555
205 3 615
235 2 470
255 1 255
255 1 255
255 1 255
135 8 1080
135 8 1080
Seated lockout 135 8 1080
205 6 1230
255 1 255
Burnout standing press 135 10 1350
Triceps burnout 75 40 3000