Current Stats

Total weight lifted 2015: 3.6 M lbs
('14-6.5M, '13-6.6M, '12-8M, '11-5.2M)
Total cardio logged 2015: 22.0 hours
Current body weight 301 lbs, Height 6'8

Here's my lifting progress!



Saturday, November 12, 2011

Curls and deadlift

No time for a full blog today as I'm on my way to the BYU game!  I worked out with my friend Josh, from Boise (currently), but who I also grew up with in GA.  We hit deadlift - I worked up to 455, then did straight bar curls where I worked up to 159 for 3 reps.  I also got in some tricep extensions and some abs for a total of 32,000 lbs, today.

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