Current Stats

Total weight lifted 2015: 3.6 M lbs
('14-6.5M, '13-6.6M, '12-8M, '11-5.2M)
Total cardio logged 2015: 22.0 hours
Current body weight 301 lbs, Height 6'8

Here's my lifting progress!



Saturday, March 30, 2013

Catch-up day

I'm playing catch-up today after having to take a couple of days off as I didn't have time to lift much this week.  This is almost like 3 lifts in 1!  Here is a video of my burnout set of squat after already having done 7 sets along with a taxing plyometric workout for nearly 10 minutes:

This looks easy but by rep 8 it got pretty rough..."just the way your mother likes it, Trebek!"

And here is the workout broken-out:

Weight Reps
Squat (back) 135 15
135 10
225 8
225 8
315 6
315 6
315 12
Calf raises 315 15
315 15
315 15
Standing strict press 135 6
135 8
135 8
135 10
Band rows 150 15
150 15
150 15
Shoulder maintenance work 25 160
Hip thrusts 200 25
200 30
Plyometrics 300 150
Abs 60 90
16 min cardio

Monday, March 25, 2013

Squat day with Thayne

I've had an off-and-on stomach issue for the past couple of weeks which has left me feeling pretty weak.  Today was no different, but I was able to power through a light squat workout thanks to Thayne coming over.  Always good to have a spotter!

Here is a video of some of our top-end and then back-off sets.  I peaked at 405 today but wasn't wearing a belt, nor did I wrap my knees.  I was trying to focus on getting my feet out wider to help me get lower.  It is taking some getting used to, but in the long-run should help!

And here is the workout:

Weight Reps
Squat (pause back) 135 10
NO BELT! 225 6
315 4
365 2
405 2
405 2
405 2
315 6
225 10

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Wednesday...what day? Band day!

I remain limited in what I can do, do to my forearm injuries, however, if I wrap-up really well and avoid certain motions, I can get through a workout.  I used bands, almost exclusively, today, which also helps keep stress off the injured areas.  Here is a video of the tactic in motion with me shrugging holding the bands zercher style, thus removing my forearms from the lift:

I didn't do anything heavy today.  My main focus was on upper back, high rep and moderate weights, with just a bit of legs and cardio.  Here is the lift:

Weight Reps
Seated rows bands 50 40
50 40
75 30
75 30
Calf raises 45 25
135 15
185 15
235 15
235 15
superset 3 angles 235 25
Standing rows bands 75 25
75 25
75 25
Shrugs bands zercher style 300 20
300 20
300 25
Pull downs bands 75 25
75 25
Abs 60 100
14 min cardio

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Heavy Tuesday

Went heavy today with non-arm stuff, and moderate on shoulders.  Here is a quick video of pressing the log overhead which somehow doesn't hurt!

And here is the lift:

Weight Reps
Seated log press 65 10
115 8
115 8
165 6
185 5
205 4
225 4
115 10
Pause squats 135 6
225 6
315 3
315 3
Zercher squat bands 150 12
300 12
450 12
450 12
Hip thursts w/ medicine ball 250 15
250 15
Shoulder rehab work 100 25
Abs 60 100
5 min cardio

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

He has returned...kind of

I have returned in the sense that I'm back to base.  My arms still hurt a lot and continue to limit my lifting substantially.  I also feel bad because I'm supposed to be playing center in a basketball league and hurt too much to do that...sorry G!

I did manage a solid lower-body lift today, with Brian.  Focus was on squats hitting parallel and lower back.  There was quite a bit of band work.  I stopped short of the goal for the day as I had some pain in my abs, and didn't want it to turn into yet another injury, so with that, here is a video of the lift, along with the actual workout below.

Weight Reps
Pause squats 135 8
135 4
225 4
315 3
405 3
455 3
Zercher squat bands 300 12
300 12
450 12
450 12
Hip thursts w/ medicine ball 250 20
250 20
Shoulder rehab work 25 100
5 min cardio

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Travel Week

I've been on the road all week, and on my feet so much that I hadn't lifted until today.  I got in the gym here in Anaheim without any gear and still got in a decent lift.  I hit a number of machines that I normally miss, spent about 20 minutes on cable work, and stretched.  I used the Smith Machine to squat up to 315 for a couple of sets, and hit 4 sets on seated military press on plates.  I tied everything up with a little bit of ab work, and called it a day.

I probably won't lift tomorrow but will be home on Saturday and will go hard, again, then, so tune back in this weekend!

Sunday, March 3, 2013

Travel week

I'm off to California for the week for meetings and so I won't be able to get in a good lift, in all probability.  Hopefully the hotel will have something adequate to work my legs, and I'll try to continue to rest my forearms as much as possible.  This nagging injury is getting on my nerves!  I'm better than last week, but seem to have plateaued, so fingers crossed that I can make a full recovery, soon, and get back to 100% training!

Although a day off today, I did a little bit of walking, stretching, etc.

Saturday, March 2, 2013

Sabado gigante - RELOADED

Solid two hours today, so I'll let the lift speak for itself:

Weight Reps
Shoulder maintenance work 25 250
Calf raises bar 225 20
225 20
225 20
225 20
225 20
225 25
Hip thrusts bands 250 20
250 20
Pause squats bands 100 10
200 10
250 10
250 12
300 12
300 12
300 12
Band hypers 200 20
200 20
200 20
Lateral band movements 50 130
Plyometric work 150 300
25 min cardio