Current Stats

Total weight lifted 2015: 3.6 M lbs
('14-6.5M, '13-6.6M, '12-8M, '11-5.2M)
Total cardio logged 2015: 22.0 hours
Current body weight 301 lbs, Height 6'8

Here's my lifting progress!



Monday, February 24, 2014

Saturday's workout

Just really quickly as I'm short on is a video of Saturday's lift along with the workout breakdown:

Weight Reps
90 degree lockout bench 45 20
135 15
225 8
315 6
375 4
425 2
Calf/top-end squat superset 135 20
225 20
335 20
425 20
Close-grip neutral-bar bench 155 10
155 10
155 10
Laying french press neutral-bar 115 20
Dips (feet in front) 300 15
300 15
300 20
hands turned 90 deg. 300 20
Arnold Press 30 40
50 32
Triceps extensions 75 20
75 20
Abs 60 200
Stretch and cool-down

Saturday, February 22, 2014

A full workout

I'm working on the edit at the moment, but tomorrow will post a video of my full-workout from today.  For now, I'm posting a video of the grip contest last week.  Not a bad effort, but next year, I'm going to knock it out of the park!

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

King Grip 2 - Winner, winner, chicken dinner!

Yeah, so I won King Grip 2 in Lehi this weekend.  Nice to win something!  This is a grip contest that attracted quite a mix of people from dairy farmers to heavyweight strongmen, all looking to test their grips.  I need to get a video from someone to upload, but it was a pretty good day, and here's a recap:

1. Captain of Crush Trainer, hold for max time with a business card inserted in the end.  I made it to 1:31, at which point my hand simply gave out.

2. T-bar row position finger pinch lift.  I should have a video of this one soon.  Basically you pinch a plate with your finger tips and lift for max weight.  Not sure how to account for the bar weight as it is somewhat levered, but this was for over 300 lbs!

3.  Homemade rolling thunder.  This was harder than the normal RT, and while I bowed out around 188, I would have had more in me if I hadn't used the same hand as the CoC event.  Next time, the CoC is going in the left hand so my right is fresh for this.

4.  Double-overhand max deadlift.  Bowed out on 555, not due to grip, but due to hamstring weakness...I need some work!

All-in-all a good day.  I'm happy I won, but definitely have room for improvement!

Thanks for reading!

Thursday, February 13, 2014

400 + lb bench

Been a while, but I'm back over 400!

Today was a pretty short lift as I have a grip competition on Saturday, but still got in some heavy lifting.  Those bands help to the tune of about 20 lbs, but you really only feel it on the bottom.  By the lockout, it is 100% on you.

Thanks for reading!

Monday, February 10, 2014

Getting your arms SWOLE!

So, normally, this shouldn't look as hard as it does, but I'd done 3 tough sets of triceps right before, and really hadn't rested at all, so this kicked my trash:

Today was basically a "day off", so I hit arms as they are often neglected.  They are always working, but don't always get the attention required.  Here is the workout:
Weight Reps
Shoulder warm-up/rehab 25 500
Skull crushers 65 30
90 25
105 15
superset 120 18
50 30
Curls DB 35 32
run the rack, minimal rest 35 28
35 24
35 20
35 16
35 12
35 8
35 4
Captains of Crush #1 140 250
Abs 60 80
Stretch and cool-down

Sunday, February 9, 2014

Heavy in Springville

I'm short on time, but here's yesterday's lift:

Axle pressing, (strict) 7 sets on 155
Two sets of log press (light - empty log, volume press)
Deadlift from 12 inches, 6 sets up to 600 lbs
Deadlift from 20 inches, 4 sets up to 800 lbs
Bent rows, 2 sets overhand
Bent rows, 1 set reverse grip to burnout
Some light stretching

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Overhead and squat

This is about as strongman-centric as it gets:

Log press - shoulders and core
Zercher squat - back and hips (hard to breathe, FYI, when doing this!)
Front squat - back and hips
Overhead axle - shoulders and core
Supersets - the finisher of champions!

I hit a nice round of lifts today with Brian, Dave and Nathaniel here at my gym.  I'm feeling pretty good, with the exception of my still-broken toe.

Here is a video of today's lift - Zercher squat for 305 lbs:

And here is the workout:

Weight Reps
Shoulder warm-up 25 200
Log press 65 8
85 6
115 4
165 3
165 3
165 3
185 3
115 12
Zercher squat 115 4
205 4
255 3
305 2
115 6
Front squat (axle) 165 6
165 6
Overhead press (axle) 165 6
115 12
Superset (DB box squat w/ overhead) 70 48
Superset (DB box squat w/ curl) 70 48
Stretch and cool-down

Saturday, February 1, 2014

Back workout

Today was a beast of a lift on zero sleep!  Here's a quick vid followed by the workout:

Weight Reps
Stretch and back/hamstring warm-up
Deadlift 135 6
135 6
245 3
355 2
405 2
465 2
515 2
245 8
          straight leg to burn-out 135 20
Standing rows (bands) 75 20
75 20
75 40
Standing rows reverse grip (bands) 75 20
75 25
75 40
Bent rows (bar) 135 12
135 12
135 15
Thinker curls 35 20
35 20
35 20
Kick-backs 100 20
100 20
100 30
CoC #T 100 120
Abs 60 100
Stretch and cool-down