Yeah, so I won King Grip 2 in Lehi this weekend. Nice to win something! This is a grip contest that attracted quite a mix of people from dairy farmers to heavyweight strongmen, all looking to test their grips. I need to get a video from someone to upload, but it was a pretty good day, and here's a recap:
1. Captain of Crush Trainer, hold for max time with a business card inserted in the end. I made it to 1:31, at which point my hand simply gave out.
2. T-bar row position finger pinch lift. I should have a video of this one soon. Basically you pinch a plate with your finger tips and lift for max weight. Not sure how to account for the bar weight as it is somewhat levered, but this was for over 300 lbs!
3. Homemade rolling thunder. This was harder than the normal RT, and while I bowed out around 188, I would have had more in me if I hadn't used the same hand as the CoC event. Next time, the CoC is going in the left hand so my right is fresh for this.
4. Double-overhand max deadlift. Bowed out on 555, not due to grip, but due to hamstring weakness...I need some work!
All-in-all a good day. I'm happy I won, but definitely have room for improvement!
Thanks for reading!
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