Current Stats

Total weight lifted 2015: 3.6 M lbs
('14-6.5M, '13-6.6M, '12-8M, '11-5.2M)
Total cardio logged 2015: 22.0 hours
Current body weight 301 lbs, Height 6'8

Here's my lifting progress!



Friday, June 27, 2014

How to increase your bench!

Much like anything, variation is the key to increasing your bench.  There are a lot of workouts to choose from, and though you might not think of it, occasional overhead pressing will help your bench, and vice-versa.  I usually bench and overhead press, every week, lately, but never go heavy on both.  I also work in different angles, loads, progressions and elevations.  This week, I chose to stay flat, and do some full-range pressing, some 1 and 1/4 presses, which I may highlight another day, and varying heights on lockout.  Here is a short video to show a 1/2 lockout and what I call a top-end lockout: 

I was crazy sore today, so had to get a massage to work out the kinks.  Between Wednesday's deadlift, and yesterday's bench, my entire torso is shot, and I need to recover for tomorrow, so I'm eating and drinking a lot, today, but taking off on the supplements.

Yesterday, however, I took:
  1. Amino1 with glutamine and creatine
  2. VisionPlus multi
  3. Cell Tech
  4. Arnold Iron Whey
No EFA's yesterday as I had some salmon (and left-overs today).  I had close to 200 grams of protein, spread pretty evenly throughout the day.  I also stayed well-hydrated, and had to because I've had some holes in my sleeping, lately.

So with that, on to yesterday's workout:

Weight Reps
Warm-ups and stretch
1 and 1/4 bench 135 20
225 12
Lockout bench (1/2) 315 6
365 2
415 1
435 1
Lockout bench (top-end) 315 3
405 2
475 2
545 1
605 3
315 25
Full-range bench to burnout 135 50
Curls 35 20
50 12
25 40
Medicine ball floor press superset 150 25
50 25
Abs 60 80
Stretch and cool-down

Thanks for reading!

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