Current Stats

Total weight lifted 2015: 3.6 M lbs
('14-6.5M, '13-6.6M, '12-8M, '11-5.2M)
Total cardio logged 2015: 22.0 hours
Current body weight 301 lbs, Height 6'8

Here's my lifting progress!



Saturday, August 23, 2014

605 deadlift - personal record from floor!

I'm 6'8 so deadlifting is really hard for me.  I feel I'm a lot stronger than my deadlift reflects, so today was very gratifying when I finally cleared the 600 lb barrier from the floor.  I've worked really hard to get here, and over the past 3 years have added a lot of weight to this lift.  Here's my pull today:

It felt really good, and I think I had more in week.

This went down in Springville at Elevated Crossfit with Van, Brian, Phil and about 6 other guys.  Here's what we did:

Axle clean and press up to 245
Log clean and press up to 260 (medley of the two)
Deadlift up to 605
Farmer's up to 270/hand
Yoke up to 700

Everything felt pretty good.  My axle needs a lot of work, so I'll be focusing on that a bit more in the upcoming weeks before Utah's Strongest Man which will be held on October 18th.

As always, thanks for reading!

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

I have been training, just haven't posted!

I am so behind, it is ridiculous!  10 days ago I lifted in Springville with Van, and I haven't posted since.  Here's a quick recap of what I did last week:

About 45 minutes of cardio
1 insane deadlift day with about 26 sets (see video below)
1 press day
Another trip to Springville for 4 events

I also lifted, yesterday, for a light press day, as I'm sore, still, from Saturday's workout.  Here's what I did yesterday, followed by a video of last Wednesday's heaviest pull of 740 lbs on farmer's:

Weight Reps
Warm-up and stretch
Neutral grip press 65 15
115 12
165 10
215 6
235 6
Axle press 215 12
305 8
305 8
305 8
Grip work (double-overhand axle hold) 125 94
Cool-down and stretch

No straps!!

We have a state-wide meeting tonight where we'll be setting-up some sort of organization for buying equipment and training...a coop of sorts, I guess.  We'll see how that goes.  Utah Strongman!

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Saturday workout in Springville at Elevated Crossfit

Clearly, I'm a few days behind on posting!  This one will have to be quick!

Supplements on Saturday:
MusclePharm Amino1 (1 serving) mixed with 5 grams of MP creatine and 5 grams of MP glutamine
MusclePharm Battle Fuel XT (1 serving)
MusclePharm Muscle Gel x 2
MusclePharm Combat Strawberry Cheesecake (2 servings)
GNC Re-build Mass (1 serving)
Total protein from supplements, approximately 130 grams.  Total protein from food, approximately 100 grams.  So total protein for Saturday was about 250 grams.

Here is a quick video of my best-ever clean from the floor, and a match for my best-ever overhead press.  Nice that I did the two in tandem!

And here is the workout:
Weight Reps
Warm-up and stretch
Clean and press 115 12
135 10
185 6
225 4
245 2
275 1
225 4
165 10
115 12
Rack pulls from below the knees 245 6
335 6
445 6
535 3
625 2
715 1
Superset x 2
KB swing 72 10
Upright row 135 6
Strict overhead press 135 10
Triceps extensions 100 20
Cool-down and stretch

Thanks for reading!

Thursday, August 7, 2014

Gym day - volume and isolation

About once a month, I get the itch to go to the gym and train like a normal person.  Yesterday, the goal was to hit auxiliary stuff that is harder to do at home as I don't have the machines.

I did seated rows, which I really like for their focus on my central back, which is weaker than both my upper and lower back regions.  Sometimes you have to isolate so that the bigger muscles don't take over.

I worked triceps on the cable machine with the rope extension.  I find this helps me hit the whole triceps muscle between the push-down motion, and the push-out at the bottom, that the rope allows you to get.  The key here is to let your arms do the work, and not your chest.

Finally, I did a ton of hamstring curls.  My hamstrings are strong, but weak relative to my lower back, and are one of my major roadblocks on deadlift.  I really need to be working more on my hamstrings each week to close that gap.

I took some MusclePharm Assault and Creatine prior to the workout.  I had some Amino1 and Glutamine earlier in the day.  And I took two Combat shakes - 1 in the early afternoon, and another in the late afternoon, about an hour before my workout.  For my multi, yesterday, I decided on Vitakic from Muscle Tech. 

No video as I don't want to be "that guy" at the gym.  Here is the workout:

Weight Reps
Warm-up and stretch
Rotating between below 3 lifts, circuit style
Hamstring curls 100 15
120 12
140 10
160 6
180 6
200 6
200 6
120 18
100 24
80 30
Triceps extensions (cable with rope attachment) 80 16
100 14
120 12
140 10
160 8
180 8
200 8
200 8
200 12
200 12
Seated rows, mixed with wide grip and hammer 120 25
160 20
200 15
200 15
200 15
200 15
200 15
200 15
140 30
100 50
Cool-down and stretch
5 min cardio

Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Last week in review

I forgot to post last week, but hit a combined squat/deadlift workout, working up to 500 on both, and mixed in some grip with the rolling thunder, on Thursday.  Then I hit a log workout, by myself.  Later today I'll be working out with Brian, but not sure what the plan is at the moment.

Here is a quick video of the log press:

I'll try to update again later, and double-back on supplements, etc.  Thanks for reading!