Current Stats

Total weight lifted 2015: 3.6 M lbs
('14-6.5M, '13-6.6M, '12-8M, '11-5.2M)
Total cardio logged 2015: 22.0 hours
Current body weight 301 lbs, Height 6'8

Here's my lifting progress!



Friday, April 26, 2013

Low back workout

Out of time again, so here's the lift and a video of me @ 515 and Nathaniel @ 305 (PR!):

Warm-up x 3, good mornings
Deadlift 7 sets up to 515
Rack pulls x 2 up to 535
Superset, good mornings - straight-leg deadlift - bent rows x 2

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Bench day - HEAVY!

I hit a light deadlift and log-press workout yesterday, and today a short, but effective lockout bench lift with Brian.  I'm short on time, so here is the video from my phone!

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Light axle workout

I lifted with Brian yesterday at my house and since he had just competed in Vegas, we kept everything light.  Honestly, I was pretty sore from my Saturday squat, anyway, so it worked out well!  We squatted and overhead pressed using the axle and I have plenty in the tank for a few more lifts before we head off to Europe.

Here is yesterday's workout:

Weight Reps
Axle squat 115 10
115 10
205 8
205 8
255 5
255 5
295 5
Axle seated press 115 6
115 6
145 6
165 6
165 6
165 6

Saturday, April 20, 2013

Squat Saturday

Today I was a lone wolf!  Brian is competing in LV, Van is running a cross-fit show, Dave was MIA and Thayne has a knee I squatted!  I felt pretty good after I got loose on about the 5th set.  I had more weight in me, but when lifting alone you have to be careful so I stopped at 505 lbs.  Here is a video of the top two sets:

And here is today's lift:

Weight Reps
Shoulder rehab work 25 250
Squat to 20 inch box warm-ups 45 30
155 6
265 4
work sets 325 3
385 3
445 3
505 3
back-off set 365 3
Calf raises 265 30
265 25
265 25
265 25
Shrugs 155 20
155 20
155 20
155 25
Additional shoulder rehab work 25 200
Abs 60 260
45 min cardio

Friday, April 19, 2013

I'm exhausted!

I went and trained with Van Hatfield on Tuesday.  Few people make me feel small and weak, but he is one of them!  I've apparently been too exhausted to even blog! :)

Here is what we did:

5 warm-up sets, 4 plateau sets @ 500, 1 back-off set

Rack pressing strict
4 warm-up sets, 4 plateau sets @ 185, 1 back-off set

Back superset
Good mornings/straight-leg deadlift/bent rows
Last 2 on the axle @ 215 and GMs @ 225
3 straight sets with minimal rest

My back has just been torched for the past few days...time to get back to it!

Thanks for reading!

Monday, April 15, 2013

Speed Bench Workout

I took a page from Louie Simmons today and made a long, but good, bench workout.  We hit regular, dumbbell, band and floor work along with some upper back lifts to round out the day.  Here is a video of the floor supersets that we did:

And here is today's workout:

Weight Reps
Shoulder rehab work 25 250
Flat Bench Speed Day 145 3
185 3
205 3
225 3
245 3
245 3
245 3
275 3
275 3
265 3
Floor press superset w/ medicine ball 135 10
50 20
135 12
50 20
135 12
50 22
135 6
50 20
Standing rows bands 150 20
150 20
150 20
150 20
Pull-downs bands 150 15
150 15
150 15
150 15
Decline burnout bands 150 35
Dumbbell chest press burnout 50 20
Abs 60 200

Thanks for reading!

Saturday, April 13, 2013

Pre-meet training

There is a competition in Vegas next week for strongman called Sin City, and Brian is competing.  Today was more about him winding down and getting ready for that show than anything.  As a result, I hit my lift in two pieces - one at his place, then finished up at mine.  We basically just did yoke presses, and the rest was done here:

Weight Reps
Shoulder rehab work 25 850
Yoke pressing 100 15
100 12
100 12
140 8
140 8
140 8
160 8
160 8
180 6
180 6
180 5
Abs 60 100

I took Friday off, but on Thursday played basketball for about 90 minutes - great for cardio!  I was fresh off a squat lift, so basketball was tough, and afterwards I was doubly sore, but by today I was feeling fairly good, again.

That rounds out the week.  For the year, I'm ahead on cardio and about on track with weight lifted.  My squat and overhead pressing are clearly up.  Hard to assess where I am on deadlift and other things that require hands heavily as I simply can't do it right now, but soon we shall see!

Thanks for reading!

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Squat day with shoulders

I won't bore you with another squat video, though I will comment that I hit 505 for a really easy rep tonight which leads me to believe my max is up, though I won't be testing it for a while.  Whatever the max may be, it is higher and I am stronger so I'm happy.  My forearm injury can probably be thanked as it has forced me to focus more on lower body in the past 6 weeks.

Here is today's 9 set squat workout with some other auxiliary stuff:

Weight Reps
Shoulder rehab work 25 500
Squat 5 set warmup various
Work sets 355 6
405 3
455 3
505 1
Yoke walks 505 20
405 20
Abs 60 200
10 min cardio

Thanks for reading!

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Shoulders - mega pressing day!

Brian came to my place today and we hit a solid shoulder workout consisting mainly of pressing.  My shoulders didn't really hurt, which is good.  I know they are still a lingering issue in the backdrop, but they didn't show up today, so I'll take it!  Here is a video of log-pressing:

We hit log and axle for a somewhat high volume day.  My press on 255 x 3, seated, gives me hope that my standing press is improving, too, though I haven't tried it in a few weeks, mainly due to my ongoing forearm pain.  We rounded out with a couple of supersets, some abs, and some stretching.  Workout as follows:

Weight Reps
Shoulder warm-up 25 100
Log seated lockouts 65 10
65 10
115 8
165 6
215 4
235 4
255 3
165 8
Medicine ball 50 20
Axle static standing press 135 8
135 8
Lat/front raise superset 15 40
15 40
Axle burnout standing press 135 8
Abs 60 120

Monday, April 8, 2013

Miscellaneous workout day

I'm short on time, so here is the lift!

Weight Reps
Rows superset 75 30
Axle curls 25 50
Axle Squat 135 10
Axle Walks 135 25
Rows superset 75 30
Axle Squat 255 8
Axle Walks 255 25
Rows superset 75 30
Axle Squat 255 8
Axle Walks 255 25
Rows superset 75 30
Axle curls 25 50
Rows superset 75 30
Axle curls 25 50
Rows superset 75 50
Axle curls 25 60
10 min cardio

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Sand in my mouth!

I lifted with Brian today at Eastside.  We hit axle zerchers and sandbag good mornings.  These are both lifts that, despite appearances, don't actually hurt my forearms.  The zerchers tug a little bit at the strained muscle I have around my sternum but otherwise feel pretty good.  We stayed light on those working up to two sets on 255.  For the sandbag workout (video below), not sure on the weight...somewhere between 160 and 200.  We did three sets of this.  It is great training for stones, deadlift, and obviously sandbag stuff.  Without further ado, here is the video, and as always, thanks for reading!

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Yoke pressing overhead

Here is yoke pressing!  You won't see this in an average gym...or really anywhere for that matter as Brian came up with this, as far as I know.  He has a perfect yoke as it only weights about 100 lbs.  It is an ideal implement to overhead press and hit all the little sustaining/balancing muscles as the weight moves around awkwardly on either side.  I actually cracked myself in the chin doing this last week!  Without further ado, here is the video:

Today I focused on hands and forearms.  I continue to have issues with my forearm extensors, although they are getting better.  I did some work with my Iron Mind rubber bands and some other light resistance work for those areas.  I also stretched and did abs, with some cardio.  I'm saving energy for a heavy squat workout tomorrow, otherwise I likely would have squatted today.  Tomorrow should be a beast, so tune back!

Thanks for reading!