Current Stats

Total weight lifted 2015: 3.6 M lbs
('14-6.5M, '13-6.6M, '12-8M, '11-5.2M)
Total cardio logged 2015: 22.0 hours
Current body weight 301 lbs, Height 6'8

Here's my lifting progress!



Saturday, December 1, 2012

Strongman event training

I went with Brian down to Van's crossfit gym in Mapleton today.  Here is a video of something I'm fairly proud of - 330 lbs per hand on farmer's walk!!!

We had an event-focused day, with some auxiliary work, too.  Here is the lift:

Superset for warm-up
     100 lbs - 8 reps of each of the following, 2 sets
          Upright rows, standing presses, hang-cleans, bent rows
     105 lbs, 255 lbs, 215 lbs, 235 lbs (clean and press on all weights)
     reps varied by weight
Straight bar clean and press
     135 lbs x 2 sets, 185 lbs
Farmer's carry
     230 lbs per hand (460 total) for 2 lengths of approximately 50 feet
     330 lbs per hand (660 total) for one length (PR on pick and walking)
Atlas Stones
     250 lbs for 4 total reps, 310 lbs failed
"Cool-down" superset for shoulders
     Clean and jerk for 10 reps on 135 (5 cleans, 10 presses) then
     Kettle-bell lift from between legs to overhead 72 lb bell for 10 reps
          We did this combo 2 times
     We burnt-out on standing press for 12 reps on 135

After this, I rode the bike for 30 minutes to log 3 miles towards my weekly goal (3 bike miles = 1 for my record keeping).

That is it for today...thanks for reading!!!

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