Current Stats

Total weight lifted 2015: 3.6 M lbs
('14-6.5M, '13-6.6M, '12-8M, '11-5.2M)
Total cardio logged 2015: 22.0 hours
Current body weight 301 lbs, Height 6'8

Here's my lifting progress!



Thursday, May 31, 2012

Heavy Squat Day - VIDEO

Surprisingly, I'm not really sore anywhere least I wasn't until I started my workout! :)

I decided to squat heavy and work in some biceps.  I was watching Laurence Shahlei training yesterday and stole his routine for squat, deferring to lower rep sets to work on my power.  My endurance is pretty solid right now as I'm able to get through very lengthy lifts without too much difficulty.  I'll need to push to higher weights and lower reps if I'm going to get my static strength to jump the way I want it to.

I worked up to 475 x 2 on squat.  I have a hard time telling how hard it actually was.  I struggled a bit but felt like I could have done 4 reps.  Then on the video when I saw myself it didn't seem as hard as it felt...who knows!?!

So with that, here is today's workout with a video:

Thur 5/31/2012
Lift Weight Reps Total Weight
Squat (back) 135 15 2025
135 15 2025
225 4 900
275 3 825
315 3 945
365 2 730
405 2 810
435 2 870
475 2 950
Curls (bar) 75 15 1125
85 12 1020
95 10 950
105 8 840
115 6 690
125 4 500
135 3 405
Day's total 15610 lbs

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Mainly a shoulder workout day

I'll be brief as there was nothing too exciting about today's lift.  I went through a shoulder routine on cables and did some maintenance work otherwise going pretty light on everything to conserve energy for a heavy squat day later this week.  Workout as follows, and thanks for reading:

Wed 5/30/2012
Lift Weight Reps Total Weight
Shoulders 25 900 22500
Depression shrugs 50
Lat pulls 50
Back fly 50
Lateral raises 50
Half press 200
Rotators in and out 200
 DB Shrugs 50
Standing rows 50
Low to high 200
Upright rows 75 30 2250
75 30 2250
75 30 2250
Good mornings 135 10 1350
135 10 1350
Shrugs SB 135 20 2700
135 20 2700
135 20 2700
Calf raises 135 20 2700
135 20 2700
135 30 4050
Abs (various) 60 50 3000
Day's total 52500 lbs

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Bench with resistance bands

Today was bench day, again, and I benched alone!  My shoulders surprisingly didn't hurt so I went a bit heavier than expected working up to 285 x 10 for 5 sets...and it felt pretty good!  I also worked in some arm bikes (for lack of a better word), skull crushers and abs.  Here is a quick video of the arm bikes, followed by today's workout:

Tue 5/29/2012
Lift Weight Reps Total Weight
Bench (flat) 190 15 2850
w/ rubber band (75) 190 12 2280
265 10 2650
265 10 2650
265 10 2650
265 10 2650
265 10 2650
190 15 2850
DB arm bikes 25 30 1500
25 25 1250
25 25 1250
Skull crushers 75 12 900
75 12 900
75 12 900
Abs (scissors) 60 60 3600
Day's total 31530 lbs

Monday, May 28, 2012

Deadlift Workout with biceps

Paxton and I lifted today.  He knew it was going to be a tough workout when I told him to grab an extra Gatorade.  The lift took about 90 minutes which actually isn't too bad.  We hit deadlift working up to close to 60% of max for 5 sets of 5.  We also hit controlled hammer curls, reverse curls and cable curls to wear out our biceps thoroughly.  Here is the lift, first of the week and hopefully a good start to a good week of lifts:

Mon 5/28/2012
Lift Weight Reps Total Weight
Shoulders 25 500 12500
Deadlift 135 8 1080
225 6 1350
315 5 1575
315 5 1575
315 5 1575
315 5 1575
315 5 1575
225 8 1800
Deadlift lockout 135 15 2025
225 10 2250
225 10 2250
225 10 2250
225 10 2250
225 10 2250
225 10 2250
Bench hammer curls 25 16 400
30 16 480
40 10 400
40 10 400
40 10 400
40 10 400
40 10 400
25 20 500
Cord nose breaker curl 60 10 600
60 10 600
60 10 600
60 10 600
60 10 600
60 10 600
60 10 600
Reverse curls SB 65 10 600
65 10 600
Abs (holds) 60 60 3600
Day's total 52510 lbs

Saturday, May 26, 2012

Bench day with squat - VIDEO!

Bench day today, with some is a quick video of me hitting 50 reps on 135 lbs:

After benching I employed some 5x5 on squat.  My knee was catching oddly so I kept the weight light at 225 lbs, and focused on smooth motions.

I also hit triceps pretty hard, with some biceps and a bit of grip, rounded out with some abs.  Workout as follows:

Sat 5/26/2012
Lift Weight Reps Total Weight
Shoulders 25 280 7000
Bench (flat) 135 10 1350
135 10 1350
135 50 6750
135 40 5400
135 30 4050
Skier triceps  25 40 1000
35 40 1400
45 40 1800
50 40 2000
Triceps pushdowns 60 40 2400
60 40 2400
60 40 2400
Squat (back) 135 6 810
225 5 1125
225 5 1125
225 5 1125
225 5 1125
225 5 1125
Calf raises 225 15 3375
315 12 3780
315 12 3780
315 12 3780
315 12 3780
315 12 3780
Thinker curls 25 20 500
35 20 700
45 16 720
Triceps extensions 100 40 4000
100 40 4000
100 40 4000
Reverse leg extensions 75 30 2250
75 30 3000
75 30 3000
CoC (S) 80 160 12800
Abs (various) 60 60 3600
Day's total 106580 lbs

Friday, May 25, 2012

Just a shoulder lift

My quick 3 set full-body menage put the hurt on...I'm extremely sore today including in places I didn't know I have!  Today is nothing special to report.  I hit a shoulder rehab lift in about 25 minutes.  It was 80% cord work and the rest on the ground doing things lift overextended push-ups using the roller and reverse shrugs using my body weight for resistance.  Not too bad of a day as I'm saving energy for a big lift tomorrow!

Thursday, May 24, 2012

135 day - plates only

This is my first lift this week - got sick on Sunday night and that carried me until yesterday.  As such, today was a light day doing 135 across the board...PLATES ONLY!  Here's the lift, and by the way, I did this in 28 minutes!

TH 5/24/2012
Lift Weight Reps Total Weight
Shoulders 25 200 5000
Bent Rows 135 10 1350
135 10 1350
135 10 1350
Calf raises 135 10 1350
135 10 1350
135 10 1350
Cleans 135 10 1350
135 10 1350
135 10 1350
Shrugs 135 10 1350
135 10 1350
135 10 1350
Deadlift 135 10 1350
135 10 1350
135 10 1350
Bench 135 10 1350
135 10 1350
135 10 1350
Front Squat 135 10 1350
135 10 1350
135 10 1350
Abs (various) 60 60 3600
Day's total 36950 lbs