Current Stats

Total weight lifted 2015: 3.6 M lbs
('14-6.5M, '13-6.6M, '12-8M, '11-5.2M)
Total cardio logged 2015: 22.0 hours
Current body weight 301 lbs, Height 6'8

Here's my lifting progress!



Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Full body

Shoulder impingement is not a fun thing to have.  I've noticed improvements in the past month and am definitely above the 90% mark (or so it feels).  I seldom have pain from quick motions, as I had previously.  I'm also able to reach above my head, pain-free, though I seldom do so!  In my experience, while the lifting helps, the stretching seems to yield the biggest benefit.  I've figured out ways to get my shoulder into the right position while stretching, to remove stress and still get a good stretch...that goes a long way too!

I was a bit sick over the weekend, so haven't lifted since last Thursday.  Dave and I also overdid it that day and I was pretty sore all weekend!!

And by the way - love my new roller!  If you think you are too cool for a roller, think again!  Try doing 20 push-ups with the roller right above your knees, moving in an arc motion where one rep starts high, with hands below/at the waist, you then drop low  to touch the ground as your hands pass your chest, and end high with  hands just above the shoulders...then backwards to the start to complete the arc...20 reps...try it!

Without more, today's workout:

Thur 4/3/2012
Lift Weight Reps
Total shoulder reps 25 1480
DB shrugs 80
Standing rows 100
Push-downs 200
Rotate out/in 500
Backhands 50
Forehands 50
Front or Rev raises (low) 200
Over-the-tops 300
Roller push-ups 200 20
Straight bar shrugs (mult) 135 20
Straight leg deadlift (mult) 135 20
Abs (various) 60 100
Calf raises (mult sets) 185 40
Stretch 11
CoC #1 137 80
Day's total 81760

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