Current Stats

Total weight lifted 2015: 3.6 M lbs
('14-6.5M, '13-6.6M, '12-8M, '11-5.2M)
Total cardio logged 2015: 22.0 hours
Current body weight 301 lbs, Height 6'8

Here's my lifting progress!



Thursday, January 31, 2013

Squat day

After not squatting for nearly a month, Thayne and I squatted yesterday.  I was really sore already, so I'm thrilled with how I did.  Thayne got back up and over 300, hitting 315 which was impressive!

On my top set I hit 505 lbs for 5 reps.  Not bad, though I should have gotten lower.  I was probably 4 inches from parallel on the backs of my legs, so I'll continue to work down.  It is hard to squat at my height - the bar has to travel so far!

My goal was really to get some good weight on my back and renew that feeling as I hadn't squatted since probably December some time.

Here is a video of my top set:

And here is the workout:

Weight Reps
Back squat 155 10
205                8
265 4
335 3
405 3
445 3
505 5
Lateral strict raises 15 24
15 24
Front raises 25 16
25 16
Hammer front raises 25 20
25 20
Upright half rows 45 40
Abs 60 200

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Log pressing

Today was mainly about log pressing.  I hurt far too much to do standing, so I did a steep incline format which still works the shoulders and triceps.  I also hit some log curls which are basically hammer curls with the log in lieu of dumbbells.  Here is a video of the pressing:

And here is today's lift:

Weight Reps
Incline log press 115 10
125                8
145 8
165 6
215 4
235 2
235 2
Log curls 65 20
65 20
Seated DB press 50 40
50 40
Low-to-high cable crosses 50 30
50 30
50 30
Abs 60 170
14 min cardio

Monday, January 28, 2013

Training in Mapleton

Dave tagged along today with Brian and me down to Mapleton to train with Van.  Focus was on overhead, with one set of farmers and one set of frame deadlift.

Overhead I did fairly well with a set of 3 reps on 220...while light, this is an improvement for me!  My hands were beat from helping a colleague move on Friday, so a light 245 lb/hand farmer's carry didn't feel great, nor did deadlifting the 500 lb frame for 8 reps!  But I powered through, and am only now blogging, two days later, because my forearms hurt so badly I didn't want to type until now!!!

Here is a video on Facebook courtesy of Dave - hopefully the link will work:

As always, thanks for reading!

Thursday, January 24, 2013

A bit of everything

A lot hurts and I'm still a bit sick, so I stayed light, focused on bands, and hit a bit of everything today.  Here is a video of log pressing for reps:

And here is today's workout:

Weight Reps
Rubber band hand work (ironmind) Various 300
Static holds DB Various 10 min
Incline log press 65 20
65 20
115 20
115 20
115 20
115 20
Abductor work 75 100
Shoulder resistance work 25 350
Hip thrusts (white bands) 200 50
Band kick-backs for hamstrings 50 60
(blue bands) 50 60
Inner thigh work (blue bands) 50 80
50 120
CoC (T) 100 80
16 min cardio

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Welcome back!

I have not forgotten my blog, despite appearances.  I was out of town for the better part of a week, and got some swelling in my back when I returned and have basically been out of commission due to those things.  I'm going to try to get back into the swing tonight with some cardio to loosen my back up a bit and see if I have any energy for a lift.  So with that, please check back later as I may have done something which could be construed as a workout!!!

Friday, January 11, 2013

New log and deadlift platform

No time to write today, so here is a quick pic and then the workout - thanks for reading!

Weight Reps
Deadlift with rubber bands 145 8
205 6
205 6
255 6
Deadlift 365 4
425 1
445 1
495 1
535 1
Log press 65 8
115 6
155 5
175 5
205 3
115 8
Rubber band hip work 200 100
Abs 60 250

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Biceps and shoulders

Today I lifted with Thayne, and the focus was on biceps, but we also hit some shoulders and calves.  I'm pretty beat from the past couple of days, but have some new toys coming in the mail tomorrow in the form of a log and a deadlift platform, so I'll have to muster some energy to play!

Here is a photo of calf raises on 625 lbs!

Here is today's workout:

Weight Reps
Calf raises 135 25
245 20
355 15
445 12
535 10
625 5
DB curls 35 24
45 20
52.5 16
60 12
35 24
Hammer curls 60 24
75 20
60 32
SB front raises 55 15
55 15
55 15
Chest fly combo 25 36
25 36
Crucifix fly 15 24
Crucifix hold for max time 25 32
Shoulders with cords 25 100
Abs 60 150

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

All overhead today!

Here is a video of me lockout pressing 275 lbs overhead:

And here is today's workout that I did with Brian:

Weight Reps
Seated rack presses 45 20
pause between reps 45 20
95 8
95 6
Bottom tier to here 115 6
135 6
155 5
155 5
Mid tier 185 4
185 4
Top tier 215 5
225 5
275 4
Additional stretching
5 min cardio

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Back Day

Heavy rack pulls and lots of 'em...more back stuff, and even more back stuff!  Thayne, you are welcome! :) 

The first 8 sets of rack pulls were from the tops of my knee caps.  The last set was towards the bottom from a very awkward location which made it that much harder!

Here is today's lift:

Weight Reps
Rack pulls 135 10
225 8
315 6
405 5
475 4
525 3
585 3
625 3
635 2
Speed half deadlifts 135 12
135 12
135 12
Half cleans 135 8
135 8
Ab work 60 200
Additional stretching
5 min cardio

Monday, January 7, 2013

A bit of everything

Today I was recovering from Saturday's lift, so I hit a bit of everything.  I went to a moderate weight on calves and axle rows, but otherwise stayed fairly light.  Here is a video of axle rows from the floor:

And here is today's workout:

Weight Reps
Calf raises 155 20
265 15
355 12
425 10
Axle bent rows from the floor 95 15
145 10
195 8
245 8
245 8
Shoulder rehab work bodyweight 200 30
Shoulder rehab work DB and cords 25 150
DB curls 35 40
50 30
20 80
Ab work 60 100
Additional stretching
10 min cardio

Saturday, January 5, 2013

Training in Mapleton

I made the drive with Brian, today, to train with Van in Mapleton.  As my knee is still sore and my left abductor is not 100%, I went light on everything.  I actually had to pull back on deadlift, too, and stick with rack pulls.  I focused on reps and form, over weight, and frankly, should be taking this approach more often than not as little is typically gained on a max effort, in my experience.  Growth comes from repetition with quality form, and a reasonable weight.

Here is today's workout (no video, as nothing too impressive to report):

Back work Weight Reps
Deadlift 245 6
Deadlift 355 3
Rack pulls (over 4 sets) 315 15
Log press (all strict pressing)
Warm-up 105 8
4 sets 155 16
3 sets 175 9
Axle press 3 total sets 125 18
Pull-ups over 2 sets 300 10
Shoulder superset for 3 sets 125 54
Burnout axle press 125 10
5 min cardio