Current Stats

Total weight lifted 2015: 3.6 M lbs
('14-6.5M, '13-6.6M, '12-8M, '11-5.2M)
Total cardio logged 2015: 22.0 hours
Current body weight 301 lbs, Height 6'8

Here's my lifting progress!



Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Legs only...arm injury

I've done something to my forearms.  It feels like a tear on the top...the relatively flimsy part of the arm.  I'm having trouble assessing how bad it is.  I'd venture, at this point, it is just a bad pull from overworking my arms, and that if I lay off, I'll be better in 5-7 days...fingers crossed!

I stayed completely away from my arms today.  I did leg stuff with band resistance and avoided using my arms in any capacity!

I got a new plyometric box today - 18 inch, metal - and it proved very useful for the workout.  This will be perfect height for box squats, step-ups, and can serve as a chair for workout friends!

With that, here is today's lift:

Weight Reps
Box squats band resistance 200 15
200 15
Step-ups 18 inch box 300 24
with negative 300 24
Lunges in place band resistance 200 20
quick leg switch for speed 200 20
Good mornings with bands 150 20
150 20
Band work for hips front w/ raise 50 40
lateral in and out 50 50
kick-back for hamstring 50 40
Abs 60 90
Stretching and stim treatment
20 min cardio

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