Current Stats

Total weight lifted 2015: 3.6 M lbs
('14-6.5M, '13-6.6M, '12-8M, '11-5.2M)
Total cardio logged 2015: 22.0 hours
Current body weight 301 lbs, Height 6'8

Here's my lifting progress!



Thursday, August 30, 2012

Not for the faint of heart - super workout!

Today was not an easy lift by any stretch.  This is one of the harder workouts I've done in quite a while.  We hit curls hard (see video below) working up to a set of 10 on 155, hit back really hard, as well, and found time for calfs, abs and hands.  This makes up for a lazy day off yesterday!

Here is the workout:

Thursday 8/30/2012
Lift Weight Reps Total Weight
Curls (bench hammer) 35 24 840
40 20 800
45 16 720
Reverse Hyper  100 20 2000
Curls (straight bar) 95 10 950
115 8 920
135 6 810
Reverse Hyper  100 20 2000
Calf raises 325 20 6500
Curls (bent bar) 155 10 1550
145 6 870
135 6 810
95 12 1140
Calf raises 425 15 6375
Rows (triangle axle grip) 150 30 4500
150 25 3750
150 20 3000
Good Mornings (standing, bar) 135 12 1620
145 12 1740
145 12 1740
145 12 1740
145 12 1740
Deficit Deadlift 4 inch 185 8 1480
185 8 1480
185 12 2220
Curls burnout DB 50 40 2000
Calf raises 515 12 6180
Reverse Hyper (exhaust) 100 30 3000
CoC (1.5) 170 30 5100
Abs 60 150 9000
Day's total 76575 lbs

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Event training - Log and Sandbags

Today was all about event training.  I lifted with Brian Mielke again.  He's got a nice log which I used to work up to 260 lbs.  My shoulders started to feel a bit iffy, so I stopped pressing at this point, but still did the clean with a half press.  We also worked in sandbags over a 4 foot bar.  I think the light bag was 160 lbs and the heavier bag in the 230 lb range.  My biceps are extremely sore, but otherwise a good lift!  Here is a video of me log-pressing:

Monday, August 27, 2012

Bench and shoulders

Thayne and I benched today.  I hadn't been over 350 (at least as far as I can recall) for the better part of a year, so working up to 375 felt pretty good!  I know I have more in me.  The other good news is that the lift didn't hurt my shoulders, but I was controlled in my movements.  Thayne hit a PR today crossing the 200 lb threshold, hitting 202, if we want to get technical, so kudos to him.  Without further ado, here is the video followed by today's lift:

Monday 8/27/2012
Lift Weight Reps Total Weight
Bench (flat) 185 6 1110
225 3 675
245 2 490
265 2 530
295 2 590
315 1 315
335 1 335
350 1 350
360 1 360
375 1 375
Shoulders (cord work) 25 450 11250
Shrugs DB for speed 25 100 2500
35 80 2800
45 60 2700
Calf raises 155 40 6200
  155 40 6200
Day's total 36780 lbs

Saturday, August 25, 2012

Legs and back workout

Before I comment on today's lift, I'd like to note that I beat my 2011 gross weight lifted already, and we're still in August!

Dave, Thayne and I lifted today.  This was a nearly 2 hour lift with very few breaks, just to give you an idea on the intensity.  We began with deficit straight-leg deadlifts which just means we were standing on something so we'd have to pull the bar further.  This is a great way to loosen the hamstrings and on work sets, a great way to strengthen the lower back and backs of the legs.  The main work sets were on back squat, but we also hit two types of rows (used my new ROGUE FITNESS strongman row bar which has axle grips to help strengthen hands), and more back and hip work with rubber bands ranging all the way up to 200 lbs of resistance (big bands that are about 5 inches wide!).  Here is a video of the 3 of us squatting with focus on getting low.  I have trouble with this as I'm not very flexible, but I am improving.

And here is today's lift:

Saturday 8/25/2012
Lift Weight Reps Total Weight
Deficit Deadlift (4 inch) 135 8 1080
135 8 1080
Bent rows with load pin 70 12 840
70 15 1050
70 20 1400
Squat 225 6 1350
275 4 1100
315 2 630
365 1 365
385 1 385
405 1 405
405 1 405
415 1 415
415 4 1660
Hip thrusts (bands) 200 30 6000
200 30 6000
Standing rows (bands) 150 20 3000
150 20 3000
Back lockouts (bands) 200 20 4000
200 20 4000
200 20 4000
Abs 60 220 13200
Day's total 55365 lbs

I didn't post yesterday as all I did was some light ab work and some stretching.  I also floated in the pool for a bit to loosen up...felt great as I'm almost always sore lately from these lifts!!!

As always, thank you for reading!

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Thayne and I worked out today with focus on hands.  Nothing too special to report other than a max time hold on farmer's where I cracked a minute on 150 lbs per hand.  Here is the video:

Thursday 8/23/2012
Lift Weight Reps Total Weight
Farmer's holds 25 60 1500
75 30 2250
150 70 10500
Hip thrusts (bands) 200 30 6000
200 30 6000
200 30 6000
Curls (bent bar) 75 8 600
80 8 640
85 8 680
90 8 720
95 8 760
100 8 800
105 8 840
130 8 1040
French Press (axle) 25 40 1000
25 40 1000
25 20 500
CoC 140 20 2800
140 20 2800
Forearm curls front 45 15 675
45 15 675
Forearm curls back 95 20 1900
95 25 2375
Abs 60 40 2400
Day's total 54455 lbs

Thanks for reading!

Monday, August 20, 2012

Personal record day - deadlift!

I lifted today with Thayne.  I've continued to focus on deadlift as there is so much emphasis on that in strongman, and I'm behind the curve on that lift.  I hit an all-time personal record today of 545 lbs!  I completely lost my form, but somehow pushed thru.  Thayne did a great job also for a PR of 345!

Here is the video of the personal records:

We also worked in quite a bit of other stuff to round out the lift, as shown below.  We missed a few days last week as work got crazy and Thayne was frolicking in Disneyland!  Here is the lift:

Monday 8/20/2012
Lift Weight Reps Total Weight
Hang cleans 135 6 810
135 6 810
Deadlift 225 6 1350
315 4 1260
405 3 1215
455 2 910
485 2 970
505 1 505
525 1 525
545 1 545
Bench rows 75 24 1800
75 24 1800
75 24 1800
Flat Bench 135 6 810
225 8 1800
275 3 825
315 3 945
325 3 975
135 30 4050
Calf raises 405 15 6075
335 15 5025
335 25 8375
Hip thrusts (bands) 200 30 10050
200 40 13400
Abs 60 90 5400
Day's total 72030 lbs

I did work in a few things last week including about 7 miles of cardio.  Here's what I did and just didn't have time to post:

Fri 8/17/2012
Lift Weight Reps Total Weight
Triceps extensions (mult) 75 250 18750
Curls DB (mult) 35 80 2800
Hip thrusts (mult) 200 30 6000
French press (mult) 55 100 5500
Abs 60 100 6000
Day's total 39050 lbs

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Mainly a shoulder day

Short on time today, but we did a pretty tough shoulder workout with some front squats and abs:

And today's workout breakdown:

Tue 8/14/2012
Lift Weight Reps Total Weight
Shoulders (mainly cords) 25 800 20000
Shrugs 135 30 4050
135 30 4050
Half press 50 30 1500
50 30 1500
Upright rows 45 25 1125
45 25 1125
Front squat 135 10 1350
135 10 1350
Abs 85 60 5100
Day's total 41150 lbs