Current Stats

Total weight lifted 2015: 3.6 M lbs
('14-6.5M, '13-6.6M, '12-8M, '11-5.2M)
Total cardio logged 2015: 22.0 hours
Current body weight 301 lbs, Height 6'8

Here's my lifting progress!



Saturday, October 18, 2014

Don't ever stop squatting...

Don't ever stop squatting...

Because starting again is awful!  I haven't really squatted in a couple months.  I wasn't able leading up to Utah's Strongest Man due to a knee injury, and hadn't since the show.  It has now been two weeks recovering from the show with only one light bench workout and not enough stretching.  Results of recovery: muscles are tight, I feel weak and nothing is firing.

I got some video squatting 385 x 2, and 435 x 1, but it looks so terrible that I don't dare share it.  Maybe I'll change my mind tomorrow.  I came up easy enough on 435 to where I know there isn't a strength issue, but I couldn't get down comfortably and bent far too much at the waist.  I also couldn't get my arms in as close as I generally like to.  I'll scratch it up to first day back.

It did feel good to get some blood flowing, and I do look forward to getting back to normal.  Since this was only my second strongman show, I wasn't fully aware of what to expect with my body.  People told me to give it up to a month to normalize, and if today is an indicator, they are right.

Next week I'll try to have two moderate weight days with an overhead day, and probably a deadlift day.  I may work in some light bench, but likely won't squat or do any events.  Let's see how it goes...

As for today, here is the workout:

Weight Reps
Warm-up and stretch
Front squat warm-up 100 6
Back squat 45 20
135 4
135 4
225 3
225 3
225 3
305 2
355 2
385 2
385 2
435 1
Deadlift from below knees (20 in) 135 3
Superset all 8 in row 225 3
only stopped to change  275 2
the weight, all done with 325 2
double-overhand grip 375 2
325 2
225 3
135 3
Cool down and stretch

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