Current Stats

Total weight lifted 2015: 3.6 M lbs
('14-6.5M, '13-6.6M, '12-8M, '11-5.2M)
Total cardio logged 2015: 22.0 hours
Current body weight 301 lbs, Height 6'8

Here's my lifting progress!



Sunday, October 5, 2014

Utah's Strongest Man

I didn't win Utah's Strongest Man, but I did better than last year!  I tied for second, and since I had vertigo the day of the event, I was happy with that.  On my best day, maybe I make a push for first, or a stand-alone second, but October 4th wasn't my best day, unfortunately.  Thanks to my wonderful wife, Britt, helping me all day, I was able to make a good showing, though!

I'll make sure to post more videos, but for now, here is the rising-bar deadlift.  I got an easy 585, then we jumped to 625, and on a good day, my max is about 615, so when I got it to my knees, though I wanted it, I just didn't have the energy, halfway through the competition.

Here are the competition events:
  1. Axle (275) then Log (260), axle has to be first - I failed on the axle where I tend to struggle, so never got to the log which would be easy for me.  I took last on this event!  Aahhh!
  2. Deadlift, rising-bar - I got 4 successful lifts up to 585, but failed at 625.  This was good enough for 5th.
  3. Yoke (700) farmers (600) - I won this event!
  4. Stones - 9 total up to around 400 lbs.  I got the 8th which I believe was 385, and good enough for 3rd place.
Not a bad day.  I'm happy with it, given the circumstances.  I should have gotten the time.  If I hadn't zeroed there, it would have been a much different picture with me probably within 1 point of first.  Also, one more pull at 625 and who knows!  I'll be back next year!!!

I haven't posted in weeks, in part because I took 2 of the last 4 weeks off, altogether, due to illness, and then prepping for the comp by resting.  The other two weeks were...negligence.  I had been lifting, and I need to catch-up on things at some point.

For now, I'll post some more of the events, and then try to get back to some degree of regularity in posting.

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