Current Stats

Total weight lifted 2015: 3.6 M lbs
('14-6.5M, '13-6.6M, '12-8M, '11-5.2M)
Total cardio logged 2015: 22.0 hours
Current body weight 301 lbs, Height 6'8

Here's my lifting progress!



Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Heavy deadlift

I pulled 497 today on deadlift and did it without wrist wraps!  This is a 10 lb improvement from my last max.  I'm still down on this and my squat as I tore both my quads while sprinting (not too bad) back in April and am still not quite 100%.  I'd like to see my squat back over 600, though I've never been a great deadlifter and have a lot of room for improvement!

Today's lift was mainly focused on deadlift with work sets up to 3 plates, then sets of 1-3 until my one rep max.  I finished off with some bent rows on 2 plates, curls up to 75s and various abs for about 40,000 lbs, total, for the day.

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Heavy bench - alone

Today was a "heavy" bench day, though that is a relative term as I had to lift alone.  I did a pyramid starting on plates and working up to 385, then back down again.  I finished with a burnout on plates for 20 reps with a half-way hold for a 30 count and a 1 minute hold at the top.  Total weight lifted today is approximately 23,000 lbsTime for some Cell-Tech!

Saturday, August 27, 2011


Today we tackled shoulders!  We built up to 200 lbs on military press, and nearly 500 lbs on shrugs!  With a medley of shoulder raises, dumbell presses and warm-ups and cool-downs to complete the day, we came in around 45,000 lbs to finish up the week ahead of schedule!  Here are some pics from today's lift for your viewing pleasure and to prove we really did it!! :)

This is me...Big Hun!

And of course, Big D!

Friday, August 26, 2011

Back Day

Time is short, as usual, for this dad and working man!  I managed to squeeze in some deadlift, rows, pull-ups, abs and a few combo super-sets, all focused on back, for a whopping 42,000 lbs, today.  I managed to get interrupted with 3 work calls during the lift, even being after hours, so its a miracle I got through it!  Tomorrow is a heavy shoulders day, so plenty of protein and rest tonight so I have the juice to make it during tomorrow's workout with Big D!

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Bench repeat

So our new workout MO is going to be 2 week lift cycles, repeating workouts twice (more or less).  We'll become accustomed in the second week (as evidenced by recent weeks), then we'll switch the routine completely for a new shock that will hopefully spur growth!

Today's lift was a close repeat of last week's bench:

Tuesday 8/23/2011
Lift Weight Reps Total Weight
Dumbell, one arm bench 40 15 1200
60 12 1440
75 10 1500
100 8 1600
100 8 1600
75 10 1500
60 12 1440
Pull over to press 100 44 4400
100 44 4400
100 44 4400
Medicine ball toss from lay 52 20 1040
52 20 1040
52 20 1040
Big Hun's 45 30 1350
45 30 1350
45 30 1350
Bar push-ups 200 20 4000
200 20 4000
Calf raises 135 20 2700
135 25 3375
155 25 3875
Abs front holds 40 100 4000
Flys normal 35 10 700
35 10 700
Skiers 75 15 2250
Bench burnout 95 50 4750
Cooldowns 2500 1 2500
Day's total 63500

I'm also going to cycle back onto creatine, probably using CellTech as I've liked that over the years.  I'm currently taking a standard 80/20 Whey Protein (concentrate/isolate) blend...standard stuff from Costco as it is a pretty good value.  I'm also considering incorporating Vitakic on a more regular basis to see if that helps.  I think I'll go with the supplement medley for a few weeks and see how it treats me!

Hasta la proxima.

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Two in a row!

Despite my crazy tire day yesterday, I was coerced by family members to go flipping, again.  Joined by two of my brothers-in-law and my wife, I went for 95 total flips, and tied things up with abs when I got home for a total of 33,500 lbs today.  Looking forward to a restful evening dinner up the canyon, a day off tomorrow, then back to the grind on Monday!

Friday, August 19, 2011

A day at the track...

Today was another outdoor workout day.  Back to the Colt's football field, this time with Big D.  We upped the stakes and went for 100 flips, along with a partial Herschel workout (running intermingled with sit-ups and push-ups...fairly tiring!).  Not much time today to update, otherwise, but a 43,000 lb day isn't too bad.  Tomorrow will be a light day, but I'll make sure to get a lift in so that I stay ahead of target!

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Bench day with big D

I'm still recovering from Saturday's frenzy of tire flipping.  I have a strained bicep, can still barely feel my forearms and have been walking like I was 3 times my age...I guess that means it worked!  Today was a rough bench day with some out of the ordinary lifts to keep D guessing!  Here we go:

Tuesday 8/16/2011
Lift Weight Reps Total Weight
Dumbell, one arm bench 40 15 1200
60 12 1440
75 10 1500
100 8 1600
Incline bench 135 15 2025
185 10 1850
205 6 1230
Pull over to press 75 36 2700
100 30 3000
100 30 3000
Medicine ball toss from lay 52 20 1040
52 20 1040
52 20 1040
Big Hun's 45 30 1350
45 30 1350
45 25 2250
Bar push-ups 200 20 4000
200 20 4000
Abs (various) 40 210 8400
Flys normal 35 12 840
45 12 1080
Flys hammer 35 12 840
45 12 1080
Bench burnout 45 150 6750
Cooldowns 2500 1 2500
Day's total 57105

By the way, I'm now over 3.1 million pounds, cumulative, for the year (and didn't start counting until mid-February).

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Tired from tire-flipping

Work got the better of me on Thursday and Friday, but I finally found some time today to get in a good workout. My trusty brother-in-law and I ran ourselves through the ringer in the 95 degree heat by borrowing the local football team's tires for some good old flippin'. 50 flips, some lunges and up-downs were enough to kill our grips for the rest of the day. All said and done it was about a 25,000-lb day, reaching the week's goal and earning me a quality rest day tomorrow before starting again on Monday.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Some arms and some legs...

Wednesday 8/10/2011
Lift Weight Reps Total Weight
Standing hanging curls 25 12 600
30 10 600
35 8 560
40 8 640
Calf raises 225 15 3375
225 15 3375
225 15 3375
Hammer curls 50 12 1200
60 10 1200
Squat (back) 135 20 2700
225 8 1800
225 8 1800
225 8 1800
Straight bar curls 95 10 950
115 8 920
Calf raises 315 12 3780
315 12 3780
Captains of Crush 167 15 5010
237 5 2370
Half squats to jump 135 15 2025
225 15 3375
Reverse curls 75 12 900
75 12 900
Abs (various) 40 150 6000
Day's total 53035

Today's lift took about an hour as I quickly moved between sets.  I'll probably be fairly sore tomorrow, so will incorporate some cardio and perhaps some tire flips.

I should really mention why I count the weight.  If you've ever seen the MetRx commercials featuring Mariusz Pudzianowski, you'll recall the quotes of "50 million presses...30 million squats" - obviously counting differently than I am!  I thought I'd start keeping track of the gross weights I lift as a basic calculation of weight lifted by reps.  Sometimes this works in my favor (i.e. with calf workouts), but when it comes to curls and other similar lifts, you can work thru endless sets and accumulate a very meager amount of weight.  Just a metric.  At the end of the day, we'll see how it plays out with jumps on max lifts!

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Tuesday, August 9th - Shoulders

Tuesday  8/9/2011
Lift Weight Reps Total Weight
Shoulder Press (dumbells) 50 15 1500
60 15 1800
75 10 1500
100 6 1200
Lateral raises 30 12 720
35 12 840
Front raises (hammer) 40 12 960
45 10 900
Shrugs 225 15 3375
315 12 3780
365 10 3650
415 8 3320
Reverse shrugs 135 20 2700
135 20 2700
Shoulder flyes 30 12 720
30 12 720
Back flyes 35 15 1050
40 12 960
Bent rows 185 12 2220
235 10 2350
265 8 2120
Front squat (light) 135 12 1620
135 12 1620
Abs (various) 40 225 9000
Day's total 51325

In the beginning

I'm a former college football player (defensive lineman) who has always loved strongman and dreamed of one day competing in IFSA or WSM, but have never taken it too seriously.  I began 2011 with a goal to lift (by my own calculations) 110,000 lbs per week while also running at least 6 miles a week.  To date I'm ahead of schedule, so I thought, never a better time to officially begin keeping track of my goals, progress, max lifts, and everything that comprises my strongman training regimen.  This is just my first post to let you know a bit of where I'm coming from, and where I'll be going with this blog, so without further ado, let's take it for a ride!