Current Stats

Total weight lifted 2015: 3.6 M lbs
('14-6.5M, '13-6.6M, '12-8M, '11-5.2M)
Total cardio logged 2015: 22.0 hours
Current body weight 301 lbs, Height 6'8

Here's my lifting progress!



Wednesday, October 31, 2012

A bit of everything today

Let me just start with...I HATE FRONT SQUATS!  Make sure to check out the video of my front squats below.  They hurt my shoulders, feel unbelievably awkward, but I know I need to do them every once in a while, so why not on Halloween!?

Here is today's routine:

Warmed-up with some cardio on the treadmill
Warm-up reps on shoulders mainly, full body
Lower body stretch
Seated super-set consisting of 20 forearm curls, 20 half curls (bar only)
Seated super-set, reverse of above (reverse forearm curls and reverse curls - bar only)
Front squat: warmup, 100 x 6, 150 x 5, 200 x 4, 240 x 6
Hammer curls: 50 x 30, 60 x 20, 60 x 30
Abs: 75 lb resistance for 70, 60 lb resistance for 70
Cool downs and stretching

Incline bench workout

Yesterday I lifted with Paxton and we focused on incline bench with some light shoulder work:

8 sets building up to 200 x 3 on incline bench
1 set of flat bench on 135
Burnout shoulder set with:
       Standing presses (100 reps)
       Lateral raises (50 reps)
       Front raises (50 reps)
       Shrugs (50 reps)
       Back fly (50 reps)

Not too heavy on anything, more to focus on motions.  The burnout worked great as I'm pretty sore today, and will be focusing on lower body later.

Thanks for reading!

Monday, October 29, 2012

Frame deadlift personal record

Here is another video from Saturday of me pulling 620 on the frame!  This is the first time I'd ever tried it, and it felt really good!

Saturday, October 27, 2012

Catching up on this week!

I missed posting on Thursday, but Dave and I hit calves and back and then yesterday I helped a friend move his household for the better part of 6 hours, so with that, I was pretty sore going into today.

I lifted with Brian, today, at his house and we did the following:

Farmer's carry
145 x 2 (down and back)
200 x 2 (one way only)

Frame deadlift
340 x 3
440 x 2
520 x 2
560 x 1
620 x 1

This is the most I've ever deadlifted although on a frame and not a true deadlift.  It actually felt really good!  I'll post that video tomorrow.  For now, here is a video of the farmer's carry.

And after this, I logged 10 bike miles, or 3 for accounting purposes to stay on track.

Good week!!

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Video from yesterday

Here is today's workout, and below a video from yesterday which I just uploaded:

Wed 10/24/2012
Lift Weight Reps Total Weight
Warm-ups various various 4500
Shoulder with cords 25 355 8875
Half shoulder presses with axle 135 8 1080
145 4 580
165 3 495
185 2 370
Shrugs w/ axle 245 12 2940
295 10 2950
345 10 3450
Shrugs (DB) 100 30 3000
100 40 4000
Single arm presses (DB) for practice 100 4 400
Hammer curls (one are at time) 60 20 1200
60 20 1200
60 20 1200
Shoulder with cords 25 200 5000
Stretching and cooldowns various various 3500
Abs 75 90 6750
Day's total 51490 lbs


Event training - yoke, sandbag

I worked out with Brian, yesterday, at his place.  Here is the workout:

Warm-ups x 2
280 x 2
380 x 1
460 x 2

Lock-out deadlift with axle
325 x 5
415 x 3
415 x 3
505 x 3
505 x 3

Sandbag over 48 inch bar
160 x 8
160 x 10
230 x 6
230 x 4

Pretty good lift.  It was really cold so as you can see in the video, I actually wore both long pants and a long sleeve shirt!  Pretty soon we're going to be stuck indoors, but I actually prefer that.  Without further ado, here is a video, courtesy of Brian:

I can't get it to link up here, so please follow the link.

Thanks for reading!

Friday, October 19, 2012

Calf, shoulder and yoke workout

Today started as one of those "I'm not sure what to do today" lifts, but then I thought step-ups...then just decided to do a stationary sort of super yoke.  I worked up to 505 lbs for 40 steps.  It is hard to keep your balance doing these, but a great way to strengthen periphery leg muscles, and ankles.  You do have to be very careful, though, which is why I had the supports raised up nearly to shoulder level in case I needed to set down the bar, quickly.

For fun, I did some light shoulder presses with the axle towards the end of the workout.  My shoulders didn't hurt doing this which is good.  I do need to continue to err on the side of less being more with anything overhead.

Here is a video of the axle stationary stepping/walking:

And here is today's lift:

Fri 10/19/2012
Lift Weight Reps Total Weight
Warm-ups various various 2500
Shoulder with cords 25 250 6250
Calf raises 185 20 3700
Walking with axle (2 steps/rep) 185 30 5550
Calf raises 275 15 4125
Walking with axle (2 steps/rep) 275 30 8250
Calf raises 325 12 3900
Walking with axle (2 steps/rep) 325 25 8125
Walking with axle (2 steps/rep) 445 18 8010
Walking with axle (2 steps/rep) 505 20 10100
Calf raises 505 10 5050
Standing axle presses 115 12 1380
Calf raises 115 35 4025
Walking with axle (2 steps/rep) 115 60 6900
Pec-dec using 75lb band 75 24 1800
75 24 1800
75 24 1800
75 24 1800
75 30 2250
Shoulder with cords 25 200 5000
Stretching and cool downs various various 4500
Abs 75 120 9000
Day's total 105815 lbs

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Axle deadlift day - no wraps, straps, or belt!!!

I worked up to 475 on axle deadlift today with no wraps, straps or belt!  It felt pretty good to go that heavy after a week off, no sleep and never having deadlifted on an axle before!!!  Here is a video of a few of the sets:

I feel like with this performance my max deadlift is up, again!  I'll have to test it out when and if Captain PFPCs (you know who you are!) ever comes back again!!

Here is today's lift, and I also hit a bit of cardio before and after:

Wed 10/17/2012
Lift Weight Reps Total Weight
Warm-ups various various 6000
Deadlift with axle 135 8 1080
245 5 1225
295 3 885
345 2 690
395 2 790
435 2 870
475 2 950
Shoulder super-set axle 75 80 6000
Lower body super-set axle 75 80 6000
Abs 75 200 15000
Day's total 39490 lbs

Thanks for reading!

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Grip day, some back/shoulders

Today was mainly about grip.  I hit a personal record on the rolling thunder of 183 lbs and here is video proof!

I also worked in some light back in the form of rows and then deadlift using the rolling thunder for a couple of high-rep sets.  Some abs rounded out the workout, with some standard shoulder motions for my impingement.

Wed 10/10/2012
Lift Weight Reps Total Weight
Seated rows 75 25 1875
75 25 1875
75 25 1875
75 25 1875
Shoulder rehab supersets 25 100 2500
25 100 2500
25 100 2500
Rolling thunder 98 10 980
123 10 1230
148 10 1480
163 7 1141
173 2 346
NEW PR!!! 183 1 183
53 120 6360
53 120 6360
Abs 75 120 9000
Day's total 42080 lbs

Thanks for reading!

Event Training - stones, yoke

I lifted with Brian and Roger, yesterday.  We did atlas stones using light weight up to 210 - I did a set of 3 in 16 seconds which is decent considering there is waiting for the stone to come back from the other side!  We did light yoke up to about 460 lbs.  I still cannot seem to find a comfortable way to hold the thing and am hoping I just get used to it one of these days!  I watched the other guys do log press as I didn't want to injure my ailing elbow any more - the most I tried was a clean on the empty log. 

I'll be lifting in a couple of hours, today, and working on back, so check back soon!

Thanks for reading.

Friday, October 5, 2012

Rubber band day - heavy ones!

Still a sore elbow and shoulders are tight too, so today was all rubber bands!  Here's a quick video of one of my supersets, followed by the workout:

Fri 10/5/2012
Lift Weight Reps Total Weight
Calf raises (bands) 200 15 3000
200 15 3000
200 20 4000
200 20 4000
Back Lockouts (bands) 200 15 3000
200 15 3000
200 15 3000
Zercher Squat (bands) 300 12 3600
300 15 4500
300 15 4500
Cable rows for center of back 50 100 5000
Abs 75 60 4500
Day's total 45100 lbs

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Still with the elbow...

My elbow continues to nag me, so I'm stuck on cardio and light shoulder work.  Today I hit a couple of miles on the treadmill and also a light shoulder workout, focusing on not bending my arms.  I also hit some time on the bike yesterday (not worth reporting).  Tomorrow, I'll probably hit some light calf work and maybe some light squats too.  Not a very eventful week!  Thanks for reading!

Monday, October 1, 2012

Max Squat Day

I went for an estimated 3 rep max, today.  I still can't do much of anything with my upper body, so squats was the name of the game.  I worked up to 475 over 7 sets, and then on my 8th set went for 527 (gotta count clips when maxing!).  I got 3 reps fairly easily (not quite low enough on all of them, but no spotter...), I thought, and here is video confirmation just for fun:

With this, I'm estimating my 1 rep max squat closer to 560 lbs.  This is the best I've done since about 2006...hopefully this means my deadlift is up, too, but I won't be able to test that for the time being, thanks to tendonitis in my left elbow!

Here is today's lift, and as always, thanks for reading:

Mon 10/1/2012
Lift Weight Reps Total Weight
Squat (back) 225 4 900
225 4 900
225 4 900
315 3 945
375 3 1125
425 2 850
475 2 950
527 3 1581
Abs 60 100 6000
Day's total 14151 lbs