Current Stats

Total weight lifted 2015: 3.6 M lbs
('14-6.5M, '13-6.6M, '12-8M, '11-5.2M)
Total cardio logged 2015: 22.0 hours
Current body weight 301 lbs, Height 6'8

Here's my lifting progress!



Saturday, April 13, 2013

Pre-meet training

There is a competition in Vegas next week for strongman called Sin City, and Brian is competing.  Today was more about him winding down and getting ready for that show than anything.  As a result, I hit my lift in two pieces - one at his place, then finished up at mine.  We basically just did yoke presses, and the rest was done here:

Weight Reps
Shoulder rehab work 25 850
Yoke pressing 100 15
100 12
100 12
140 8
140 8
140 8
160 8
160 8
180 6
180 6
180 5
Abs 60 100

I took Friday off, but on Thursday played basketball for about 90 minutes - great for cardio!  I was fresh off a squat lift, so basketball was tough, and afterwards I was doubly sore, but by today I was feeling fairly good, again.

That rounds out the week.  For the year, I'm ahead on cardio and about on track with weight lifted.  My squat and overhead pressing are clearly up.  Hard to assess where I am on deadlift and other things that require hands heavily as I simply can't do it right now, but soon we shall see!

Thanks for reading!

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