Current Stats

Total weight lifted 2015: 3.6 M lbs
('14-6.5M, '13-6.6M, '12-8M, '11-5.2M)
Total cardio logged 2015: 22.0 hours
Current body weight 301 lbs, Height 6'8

Here's my lifting progress!



Sunday, January 1, 2012

2011 in Review

I feel like 2011 was a fairly successful year.  I was able to meet my weight goals of over 100,000 lbs per week and I also managed to average over 4 miles a week of running.  In terms of personal records for bench, deadlift and squat, I was hampered for half the year, nearly, with shoulder issues (shoulder impingement syndrome in both shoulders) which held me up.  For the short/medium-terms I have to reassess my PR goals as the focus must shift to getting back to 100%.  While I do that, I plan to focus a bit more on the cardio side of things and log more miles.  I also seem to be able to deadlift without issue, and will try to make some gains there (not in terms of PR) with rep advances at medium weights.  That should ultimately benefit my squat when I'm able to fully support the bar again.  When I've squated recently I've had to rig a system with wrist wraps to hold the bar...not pretty and I'll post a picture soon so you know what I'm talking about!

Time to give a shout-out to my workout partners, Dave, Paxton, Nate and Nathaniel.  Dave is ramping-up to run a marathon soon, so his weights are down, but he will put up 300 before the year is done!  Paxton (14) had a PR of 150lbs on bench yesterday and is looking for solid gains in 2012.  Both Nate and Nathaniel (16) settled out around 130lbs on bench.  They are both stronger than the numbers show but had long football seasons that held them up a bit.  2012 will hopefully be a good year for everyone, but I really look forward to the young guys making some big to see them grow!

Thanks for reading this past year and I hope you continue to follow the blog this year!

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