Current Stats

Total weight lifted 2015: 3.6 M lbs
('14-6.5M, '13-6.6M, '12-8M, '11-5.2M)
Total cardio logged 2015: 22.0 hours
Current body weight 301 lbs, Height 6'8

Here's my lifting progress!



Monday, August 20, 2012

Personal record day - deadlift!

I lifted today with Thayne.  I've continued to focus on deadlift as there is so much emphasis on that in strongman, and I'm behind the curve on that lift.  I hit an all-time personal record today of 545 lbs!  I completely lost my form, but somehow pushed thru.  Thayne did a great job also for a PR of 345!

Here is the video of the personal records:

We also worked in quite a bit of other stuff to round out the lift, as shown below.  We missed a few days last week as work got crazy and Thayne was frolicking in Disneyland!  Here is the lift:

Monday 8/20/2012
Lift Weight Reps Total Weight
Hang cleans 135 6 810
135 6 810
Deadlift 225 6 1350
315 4 1260
405 3 1215
455 2 910
485 2 970
505 1 505
525 1 525
545 1 545
Bench rows 75 24 1800
75 24 1800
75 24 1800
Flat Bench 135 6 810
225 8 1800
275 3 825
315 3 945
325 3 975
135 30 4050
Calf raises 405 15 6075
335 15 5025
335 25 8375
Hip thrusts (bands) 200 30 10050
200 40 13400
Abs 60 90 5400
Day's total 72030 lbs

I did work in a few things last week including about 7 miles of cardio.  Here's what I did and just didn't have time to post:

Fri 8/17/2012
Lift Weight Reps Total Weight
Triceps extensions (mult) 75 250 18750
Curls DB (mult) 35 80 2800
Hip thrusts (mult) 200 30 6000
French press (mult) 55 100 5500
Abs 60 100 6000
Day's total 39050 lbs

1 comment:

  1. Haha, Thayne was frolicking. Way to go, both of you!!
