Current Stats

Total weight lifted 2015: 3.6 M lbs
('14-6.5M, '13-6.6M, '12-8M, '11-5.2M)
Total cardio logged 2015: 22.0 hours
Current body weight 301 lbs, Height 6'8

Here's my lifting progress!



Thursday, June 7, 2012

Biceps lift

I started light with very little energy but found my groove and worked up to work sets on curls @ 135.  I hit some light calf raises but had some cramping in my legs so didn't deadlift or squat today.  I also worked in some light shoulders and abs.  Here is today's lift:

Thur 6/7/2012
Lift Weight Reps Total Weight
Cord Shoulder Reps 25 400 10000
Lateral raises 10 30 300
10 30 300
Curls (bent bar) 20 50 1000
45 21 945
65 21 1365
75 21 1575
85 8 680
95 8 760
105 6 630
115 6 690
125 6 750
135 4 540
135 4 540
135 6 810
Calf raises 185 20 3700
185 20 3700
185 20 3700
185 20 3700
185 20 3700
Abs (various) 60 100 6000
Day's total 45385 lbs

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