Current Stats

Total weight lifted 2015: 3.6 M lbs
('14-6.5M, '13-6.6M, '12-8M, '11-5.2M)
Total cardio logged 2015: 22.0 hours
Current body weight 301 lbs, Height 6'8

Here's my lifting progress!



Saturday, August 25, 2012

Legs and back workout

Before I comment on today's lift, I'd like to note that I beat my 2011 gross weight lifted already, and we're still in August!

Dave, Thayne and I lifted today.  This was a nearly 2 hour lift with very few breaks, just to give you an idea on the intensity.  We began with deficit straight-leg deadlifts which just means we were standing on something so we'd have to pull the bar further.  This is a great way to loosen the hamstrings and on work sets, a great way to strengthen the lower back and backs of the legs.  The main work sets were on back squat, but we also hit two types of rows (used my new ROGUE FITNESS strongman row bar which has axle grips to help strengthen hands), and more back and hip work with rubber bands ranging all the way up to 200 lbs of resistance (big bands that are about 5 inches wide!).  Here is a video of the 3 of us squatting with focus on getting low.  I have trouble with this as I'm not very flexible, but I am improving.

And here is today's lift:

Saturday 8/25/2012
Lift Weight Reps Total Weight
Deficit Deadlift (4 inch) 135 8 1080
135 8 1080
Bent rows with load pin 70 12 840
70 15 1050
70 20 1400
Squat 225 6 1350
275 4 1100
315 2 630
365 1 365
385 1 385
405 1 405
405 1 405
415 1 415
415 4 1660
Hip thrusts (bands) 200 30 6000
200 30 6000
Standing rows (bands) 150 20 3000
150 20 3000
Back lockouts (bands) 200 20 4000
200 20 4000
200 20 4000
Abs 60 220 13200
Day's total 55365 lbs

I didn't post yesterday as all I did was some light ab work and some stretching.  I also floated in the pool for a bit to loosen up...felt great as I'm almost always sore lately from these lifts!!!

As always, thank you for reading!

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