Current Stats

Total weight lifted 2015: 3.6 M lbs
('14-6.5M, '13-6.6M, '12-8M, '11-5.2M)
Total cardio logged 2015: 22.0 hours
Current body weight 301 lbs, Height 6'8

Here's my lifting progress!



Saturday, July 14, 2012

This week's recap

After the heavy tire flip day on Monday, I took two days off to rest up for Thursday's lift.  On Thursday, I had the opportunity of lifting with some local strongmen.  It was my first time touching the strongman implements, and here's what we did:
  • Log lift - I cleaned 250 but didn't try for the press as my shoulders were feeling it enough that I didn't want to risk hurting myself.  I did try for a clean on 288 but my arms were shot at that point.  New implements always seem to tire you out quickly!
  • Axle - I cleaned 2 plates which I believe is 225 (not sure on the bar weight), and didn't try any higher as we had more disciplines to go. 
  • Atlas Stones - This is harder than it looks on TV!!!  My hands/arms were also beat so I'd like to try this fresh another day.  I lifted a 235 lb stone over a 53 inch bar.  The hardest part was getting the stone to my knees.  After that, my height is actually very helpful!
  • Sandbags - we did two weights on the Ironmind bags.  One was around 160 and the other 240 I believe.  We did sets of 5 over a 53 inch bar.  I actually did the best at the sandbags of all 4 disciplines for the day.
Here is a pic of the workout courtesy of Brian Mielke:

I'm excited to get back out there in a couple weeks after the guys compete in Utah's Strongest Man next Saturday.  Dave and I are going to go watch!

Today, it was a question of what doesn't hurt as much as my hands/biceps and low back!?  I set on calfs, triceps and shoulders, so here is today's lift:

Sat 7/14/2012
Lift Weight Reps Total Weight
Shoulders with cords 25 800 20000
Calf Raises 135 20 2700
135 20 2700
205 20 4100
255 20 5100
295 20 5900
345 15 5175
Shrugs SB 135 20 2700
135 20 2700
225 15 3375
225 15 3375
225 15 3375
135 30 4050
Nose breakers 95 12 1140
95 12 1140
95 12 1140
95 12 1140
95 12 1140
Abs 60 250 15000
Day's total 85950 lbs